Sunday, April 03, 2005

Where the FFFFFFarmers Almanac is My Flippin' Hour?!?!?!?!?

Hey, Weekend! That's right, I'm talking to you! Where in the name of Gjod's Breath Mints is my hour?!?!? You know the one I'm talking about, too, you Rat Paw, Hour Robbin' Weekend, you! The hour that happened somewhere between when I went to bed last night (after seeing "Sin City" which was fucking awesome, FYI) and when I woke up this morning. I'm not sure which hour specifically, cuz I was fast asleep, but when I awoke this morning with my normal child-like, wide-eyed enthusiasm, ready to take on yet another installment of the vast experiment that is the "Life of Q," I couldn't help but notice that it was an hour later than it should have been. At least according to my time-telling calculations, which I have honed down into a handicap of about 10 minutes. Even if I am off by those 10 minutes, that makes 50-Gjoddamn minutes you owe me, Weekend!!! Judging from my collegue Dario's latest post, he could use the time, as well. Don't be a prick, either, Weekend. I know your schedule. You'll be back next week, the week after that, the week after that and so on. I'm a patient man, too. If I have to, I'll wait until fucking October to reclaim this hour. After that, though, the gloves come off, Bitch. If I haven't gotten my hour by then, I'll come looking for you and I know one way or another, you'll relent. I know this because I am human, and humans always win.

In the meantime, I'll just sit back and enjoy the longer days.........and the convenient "I forgot to change my clock" excuse to be an hour late to work tomorrow......


D.T. said...

Doooood! That's so fu*ckin' smart, figuring out weekend's schedule! I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner! (Tsunami hits himself repeatedly in the face with a fist shouting "STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!)

Anyways, now that you got the bastard on the run and cornered, I'd like to know what your next move is...

Anonymous said...

like a turd too low in fiber to stand a flushing, the q-dog resurfaces.


seedier, browner and puffier than ever.

greetings from the left coast, yo.


LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You guys have really made my night tonight. I'm impressed.

(Just for the record, the only way I figured out the time change was reading Tsunami's post yesterday.)
