Monday, January 31, 2005

Monday is an Angry Girlfriend

As I predicted, Monday sucked, blew, slapped me in the face (a few times), and if it was dressed in something black and naughty from Fredericks of Hollywood, I might have even liked it. But, Monday was wearing a frumpy track-suit and kept shaking a cast-iron skillet in my face, so I just kept my head down, did what she said, and hoped I could get home without too much damage, and be able to kick up my heels.

No heel kicking here, however, as the Casa Aloha is also a Cruel Mistress. She wants me to do things for her too. And, since I know what's good for me, I'll do 'em. So, as a friendly reminder to all the Fjordians out there...only 13 more shopping days until Valentines!

Tip your servers and bartenders well.

And now it's another interview with someone you don't yet know

The second part of our interview series dealing with various crazy professionals is, The Mad Fileclerk. Working from a precarious 19th floor file room, we find the Mad Fileclerk just waking up from a mid-morning nap. Hoping to catch him at a more unguarded moment, we jump right in.
Interviewer: File Clerk begins with "F" and so does the word "fjord." Coincidence?
M.F.C.: No. There is no relationship between my profession and...STOP STARING AT MY HUMP! DO NOT STARE AT MY HUMP! DO NOT...say, is there something in your pockets that might be attractive to ants?
Interviewer: How has the advent of the internets affected file clerkery?
M.F.C.: Well, the intern-ettes have been a welcome addition to my day. As you look at me, I'm sure you can imagine I don't get many dates. So when the company decided to create an all female intern drill team to rally company spirit, mine went through the roof. Perky young things running around in tight outfits, and that one broad with the hair extensions...whoa! Really Hot!
Interviewer: 2-part question: Does a File Clerk consider the internets to be his mortal enemy, and if so, which ones?
M.F.C.: There is only one of the intern-ettes I might consider my mortal enemy, Jamie Fisher - she's a total bitch. Three days ago she started bitching things like "Yo' humpback, where's my fax, and I was all like...(at this point, the Mad FileClerk turns to his assistant and yells) "IGOR, GET ME ANOTHER SWISHER SWEET! SHUT UP, I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS - THEN GO TO THE FUCKING STORE AND BUY ANOTHER FUCKING BOX THEN...JEEEZUS." (turning back to the interviewer and continuing) "and I go, damn lady, you got the wrong department. Anyways, they found her three days later at the loading dock, jammed into two file storage boxes. Still, anyone you can stick inside a file retention box without a struggle could hardly be called a MORTAL enemy. So I guess not.
Interviewer: True or false, the Dewey Decimal System: A helpful form of file clerkery for books, or a devilish hoax folded up neatly and mailed to each one of us in an envelope marked, "You can't spell any of "Librarian" without most of "Lie?"
M.F.C.: True. God, you don't know how true that is. But if you really want my opinion on binder clips, two hole punches, staples, and yardwaste, you should read my autobiography. In chapter 13, I discuss my wrestling match with Ronald Reagan. I went from a figure-four leg-lock to a top-turnbuckle flying elbow to the neck. Now that's not an easy turnaround, if you know what I mean, and I mean, he was down-and-out. I went for the pin, when, well, it was either Shultz or Weinburger - they were both at the apron - smacked me from behind with the Presidential Seal. I'm pretty sure it was Shultz - he's a big guy you know. Of course the referee was distracted, but man, I could have been President. Just let that be a lesson to you, don't ever wrestle the President without a trusty man of your own, watching your back. Those guys are sneaky. Are you sure you don't have anything in your pockets? I'm seeing a lot of ants around here.
Interviewer: No. So what color is a file clerk's day?
M.F.C.: Interesting question...mostly like the static on a television not set for any channel, but with hints of tangerine, spread into four equal parts of varying blackness, each more black than the next. Superimposed upon those are randomly flickering letters - in sort of a Helvetica font - in white. Mostly they spell out random patterns of words, but often I see the words "Bat Erection." Nobody has been able to explain to me what this means.
Interviewer: Okay, well, what, would be your favorite curse word?
M.F.C. Obviously - Goat!
Interviewer: Let's get inside your head for a minute. What would you say to God, or Satan as the case may be, when you meet her?
M.F.C.: (he cackles madly) I'd like to have a look at my file! (he cracks himself up until spittle is running in a long stream from his mouth to his chair. Just then his young assistant Igor returns with a fresh box of Swisher Sweet cigars. He tears it open, jams one in his mouth and fires it up. After a couple of drags he regains his composure and leans back in his chair.) No seriously, I've already seen 'em. Both those joints got a lot of records to keep. I'm too mad to end up - upstairs, I'm bound for Hell's fileroom. (he puffs on the cigar, making a horrid stink, thinking.)
Interviewer: One last question. If you were on a Quest to become the Supreme Ruler of the world, what device would you invent with which to conquer?
M.F.C.: I've considered this question in the past...and I have to believe I would create a massive hovercraft with magma-cannons, and this is the best part, it would have...(just then Igor interrupts. "Um, Mad Fileclerk, I have a problem." We both turn to see Igor covered in a full-body swarm of ants. The Mad Fileclerk exclaims, 'HOLY GOAT!" and dashes over - Swisher Sweet clutched in his jaw - to help his young apprentice.)

Sooo, there ya have it folks! Another interview with an important person who helps run our world, brought to you by Fjord.

Some light reading...

I've got plenty of things I've been researching today, but this one was pretty cool, and will have to keep you occupied until I get back to Casa Aloha, where I've stashed some other material.

The Benfords calculate a one-hour burst of microwaves could accelerate the craft to 60 kilometres per second, faster than any interplanetary spacecraft to date.

I think I partied a hole in my brain this weekend......

I eat food now.......

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Fjord Time indeed

i saw an interesting stat today with which I already shared with Dario T. Apparently 1 trillion seconds ago - it was 30,000 BC. Now stay with me......this country is 7.5 trillion dollars in debt. Holy shit. It may seem like two totally opposite things but all i'm seeing is that 1 trillion is a fuck of a lot of something. if we paid off the debt at the rate of $1 per second we'd be free and clear in about 225,000 years.

So all i'm saying is - since we're that screwed - sure George W. - I'll take another $300 check my way. keep em coming even though i didn't vote for you ever for anything. it reminds me of how in college i would go to all the fraternity pledge events and eat their free pizza and drink their beer and never rush.

the USPS seems to turn a profit every year - maybe the other departments should look into their sytem. Hell, i have a hard time turning a profit my overhead outweighs my under---carriage? shit , i don't know.

Dario - Anytime the four of us are posting or reading posts is fjord time. Does that sound alright? It's not too linear and anytime you want to be in fjord-time you can be as long as you're by a computer - why the hell else have fjord time? Or were you hoping for something grander?

Q-Dog - I love the recent posts - especially the interview. I've always wanted to read an interview where the subject being interviewed was a spork. I think you m ight be the man for this when the time is right. I will repay the favor by interviewing a subject of your choice.

Mindfuck - glad to have you here - where the hell are you? It's your time to bust.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

What time is it at Fjord?

As you may have noticed, we've added a new staff member to the mighty East Coast Branch of Fjord. The overall strategy was to keep up with the overwhelming demand for fjord related content that, surprisingly, you in the inter-world have been demanding.

While I'm keeping you abreast of new developments, I'd also like to take a moment and let you know of the project that I've been working on. It's more of a conceptual construction than a post made with clever linguistic ups-and-downs. I've tentatively called it "Fjord-Time."

Now, here on the great North American continent, the geographical distance is so vast, that it is broken down into four time zones. When those hard working kids in NYC decide to shut down the office, we've still got three more hours before we can do the same in Los Angeles.

So I'm toying with the idea of creating a new Fjord-specific time-zone, outside of the temporal divide between East and West coasts. We'll see how this all plays out, as I'm not sure about the zoning, and permits required for creating your own time-zone, and I'm not actually sure what time it will be there. Hopefully these things will work themselves out without too much trouble, I mean, how hard can it be?

Anyways, if you have any experience with this kind of thing, or just want to leave a comment, your input would be welcome.

here comes the mindfuck....

Friday, January 28, 2005

It's Been Quite a Week, Hasn't it?

As I invigorate myself with a fortified beverage after another monumentally long day, I have to say, "Something is up with this week." It's as if 2005 rose up in one big mob of days (shaped like Thor or Odin or somesuch) and said, "Hey man, this year is different." And then down came the hammer, or lightning bolt or whatever. It's been that kind of week.

There was a study released about two weeks ago that claimed that due to the light striking the earth, the most depressing day of the year is January 24th. Now Monday January 24th has come and gone this week, and I don't think even residual effects of the most depressing day of the year can account for what has been going down. There's something else that's up, and change - for good or bad - is in the air.

However, here at Casa Aloha, nestled snugly in the overlooked East Wing of Hollywood, CA, one D. Tsunami prefers to dwell on the King of all weekdays. Does it matter that the entire cleaning staff here at my resort up and quit? No, for the most regal of all weekdays is here. Does it matter that sickness is running rampant in my little burg? (even felling the resilient Fjord Borg!?! - must also be a rampant software virus...) Not if my rigorous hand-washing policy has it's desired outcome, because the most august of days has once again, fulfilled its destiny and returned. And hell, am I really that callous to think, train-related commuter delays are really not that bad, as long as it's not my train? Possibly. But my fellow Fjordians, Friday is here, and I for one, am ready to bow down and acknowlege its greatness.

Plans? Let me just say this. When the Sultan of Swing comes to your door and asks you to crush the town with him, are you going to say no? NO! You embrace the fact that he took time out of his busy schedule, and hope that you don't ingest too many psychedelics and Bacardi bottled malt-beverages before Monday rolls you out of bed with numberous slaps to the face saying, "You idiot, why did you do that to yourself again?!?"

(the answer to monday's proddings is, of course - "Because you suck.")

But this isn't a post about regret, about what we shouldn't have done during the weekend, because...because I hear that very Sultan knocking right now. That very august, regal, and King of All Weekdays is here, and he needs me. I gotta scram.

Happy Weekend

Sigh....I'm sorta in the dumps today......

Not necessarily the kind of dumps where I'm gonna park my truck on some train tracks, change my mind at the last minute and kill a bunch of innocent people who are probably happy with their lives (too soon?), but sort of a "dog who just took a crap on the living room rug and can't hide his guilt when he looks at you, cuz he knows you're gonna find the crap soon enough and then BOY HOWDY is he gonna get it" kind of dumps. You're probably wondering, "Why Q? What the dealio is might be and shit?" To those who would ask me what's wrong in that fashion, I'd probably be like, "What?" Then you'd be all, "Yo, Q? Everything ok?" And I'd be like, "Dumb it down." To which you'd say, "What's wrong?" At this point, I'd just stare blankly back at you until you walked away.
But, in actuality, it's not my lousy "me-to-normal-human" relations that trouble me. Nope, in truth, it's the fact that the National Rankings came out today. I thought myself a shoe-in for at least top 5 in the nation for "Most Hours Logged in a Seated Position." Sadly and much to my chagrin, I finished a dismal 235,912th. Now, an optimist might say something like, "Wow, dude! That's actually pretty cool to crack the top 236,000 in the NATION at something!" To which I would probably say something like, "What?" And then that optimist person would reply, "You know, there's like A LOT of people in America! To be in the top 236,000 at something is really pretty good!" Knowing me, I'd say something like, "Dumb it down." Then the optimist would say something along the lines of, "Good job?" Then, with the me blankly staring and so on.
Frankly, the thing that ultra-pisses me off about the whole situation is the fact that I missed the part where those that nationally rank said, "You must LOG ALL the hours seated." Honestly, I barely logged shit. The problem was my pen and logbook were across the room from where I normally sit and so I figured logging EVERYTHING would cut into my sitting time. Sure, I suppose I could have moved my pen and logbook closer to my sitting place, but what would that have proved? Upside to all this: I cracked to top 3 in the nation for "Lousiest Log Keeper," and I actually LED the nation in "Most awkward social back and forths." I know I should be happy about those things, but to me the Holy Grail of the National Rankings was the sitting thing......sigh.......I'm sorta in the dumps today......

It's time for an interview with:

THE MADD COBBLER!Yea, though he cobbles shoes, he is also quite insane! Let's find out what a modern day shoe fixer with the brain pan of a syphellis sufferer has to say! Read on.....
Q: Cobbler: Shoe-maker/Repairman, or pastry?
A: Are you asking me which one I'd eat? Cuz I'd definitely eat the shoe-maker/repairman. If he was a woman. And made from a flaky crust......and stuffed with fruit......
Q: In what ways, and intensity, is your madness different from the Mad File Clerk's? (The Mad File Clerk will be introduced in a subsequent interview)
A: I was under the impression that this wasn't going to be a fluff piece, but if you're going to ask easy questions, I will answer them, Interviewer. I'm going to make our differences abundantly clear once and for all. I AM MORE INSANE THAN THAT BASTARD IS CRAZY!!! And let me tell you something else. (BIG pause)
Q: Do you live in a shoe?
Let me ask you this, Interviewer. Do you live in an interview?
Q: Why exactly did you decide to become a cobbler?
A: One doesn't decide to become a cobbler. Cobbler decides to become YOU. (sinister laugh) Plus, my father loaned me his business. I suppose he grew tired of his 35-year old son laying around his basement sniffing the laundry. He was a real prick......
Q: Name your favorite marsupial.
Q: I have heard you utilize a currency of your own creation. What do you use for money?
(laughs) My, you've done your homework, Interviewer. I use the little plastic tips on the ends of shoelaces. And blow jobs. So far, only blow jobs are considered an "accepted" currency where I do business, but I'm hopeful and sore that that will soon change!
Q: If you could, would you destroy the sun?
Why? Has the sun said anything to you about me?
Q: Why?
Well, I was talking shit about the sun a few days ago. Frankly, the sun can kiss my lilly white ass. You can tell it I said that, too! I mean, really, who wouldn't destroy the sun if given the chance? Am I right? Wait. Don't answer that. Let me answer that for you. You damn right I'm right!
Q: Do you have a favorite pair of shoes and what kind are you wearing right now?
I am asked this question all the time, actually. The answer is quite interesting. (HUGE pause)
Q: Apart from the fact that shoes go on them, what do you know about feet?
That they're strong. They feel deeply. And they would NEVER knowingly hurt anyone.
Q: Sports?
Yes, I believe there are, although I've never actually seen one.
Q: What is the arch enemy of the cobbling profession?
Well, Interviewer, you seem to have answered you own question. The arch actually IS the enemy of the cobbler. Each foot with a different contour. Very perplexing.
Q: Ever fixed shoes under the influence of any drug?
SHOES CANNONT INGEST DRUGS!!!! (hysterical laughter) NOW who is the one who is insane?
Q: Is shoe repair, while under the influence of drugs, illegal?
The Cobbler follows only the law of the shoe and foot. To me, your "man laws" ain't shit but ho's and tricks. If you'll excuse me now, I have to take my court appointed nap.......

Well, there you have it, folks! Crazy, isn't he? Stay tuned for further interviews with such icons as The Mad File Clerk, Steve the Openly Gay Forest Ranger and Max the Guy Who Loves Too Much......

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Fjords, the Sweetmeats of Geography

Now it's true that ALL OF US here at Fjord are pretty damn keen on Fjords, and we're ecstatic about the response we've gotten from all of you - in just the first few days. But keep THIS in perspective.

Nearly every other land-based (and ocean-based too) geographical feature has better P.R. and name recognition that fjords. I mean, Buttes? There's a city in Montana named after them. Volcanoes? Name one night when they're not on the news. Lakes? Where else to go on a hot sunny day. Mountains? Don't even get me started on mountains...I mean it pal, I'll bring the fucking PAIN! Hell, even the Great Plains - which are boring as hell, have a stanza in AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. Canyons, gultches, foothills, rivers, badlands, swamps, beaches, islands, inlets, peninsulas, deserts, steppes...all of them have to be beaten like a dirty rug, if we are to accomplish why we started Fjord in the first place.

Which is to promote the awesome incredible-ness of the best geography on the planet. Whether it's their luscious mouths, their curvaceous (and perky) peaks, their wondrous wondrous harborages (nestled deeply inside them), their narrow width, their saucy open-ness - practically begging to be it getting kinda warm over here? Anyways, that, and all the other news and information that we here at Fjord, think, is tangentially relevant. The completion of the task at hand is to bring fjords to the fjordfront of consciousness and pop-culture. We hope you enjoy our efforts, and also realize, exactly what we're really up against.

Thank You.


Pant, pant.....deep breath......big inhale......whew! You guys, I ran all the way here. I know our last few posts have been a little on the downer side, i.e., tsunami ghosts, commuters wanting to kill the homeless, suicidal morons killing people with wills to live, but that's all about to change!!! Pant....pant.....wheeze......look, just copy and paste this link:

All must bow before the mouth of the fjord, for it exists and it is quite real......and I'll bet it's very hot......and awfully wet.....

Different area code but same bat channel

There must be something in the water today save from chlorine, deer tongue, and formaldehyde because as of this morning Los Angeles has their own ridiculous train story as well. Most people don't realize it but LA does have a public transport system - it's called the metrolink - it's above ground. Our below ground subway system stopped at like 8 stops total be cause the impatient Hollywood jackasses in fear of missing their next audition couldn't handle the traffic that building subway stops created. But I digress.

Ahh yes - the Metrolink. Somebody who owns a jeep Cherokee decided that he 'd like to kill himself today and came to the conclusion that the best way to this was to park his vehicle on the Metrolink train tracks. However, at the last second he gets cold feet or whatever and leaves but neglects to take the jeep with him. The Metrolink hits it, derails and collides with another two trains on other tracks - 9 people are killed and over 100 people are hospitalized because this chickenshit left his car on the tracks. He's still alive but one can only wonder for how long. And this is all within two miles of where I live.

If anybody out there decides to off themselves just make sure you off only yourself - the rest of us would appreciate it. More importantly - if you have a jeep and want to off yourself - give me the jeep and then do it.

Meanwhile, back in Gotham.....

A homeless guy started a fire down in the subway the other night, in the hopes of keeping what has to be his damn self warm. The important thing to remember here is this is a homeless guy with hope. Anyway, the poor, dumb bastard succeeded in making a fire. It actually turned into quite the blaze, as it caught a switch and has subsequently knocked out train service on a major line. Preliminary indications are that the line could be down for - 5 years!!! To give you an idea of how major this line is, 600,000 people will have their daily morning and evening commute fucked with as a result of this homeless cat's warmth quest.
None of this, however is the best part of the story. The best part is, some of the good people of NYC are actually calling for this homeless guys head!! Can you believe that?!?!? Like, what can you do to a homeless guy? Clean him up. Get him a place to live. Get him a job. Then, have him evicted and fired? I mean, straight up, going to jail would probably be a welcome respite for this guy even, you know?
Look, folks, all I'm trying to say is rivers have mouths and that is sexy as fuck......

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ghosts stalk Thai tsunami survivors

More from the Fjord Newsdesk

…apparitions which have been reported include a foreign woman, whose screams echo through the night from the wreckage of a hotel that was particularly badly hit. A security guard on the site has already left his job because he could not bear it anymore. In Khao Lak, a local family say their telephone constantly rings through the day and night. When answered, the voices of friends and relatives cry out to be rescued from the flames of the crematorium. Such reports, according to psychologist Dr Wanlop Piyamanutham, are signs of post traumatic stress disorder.

--Dr. Piyamanutham, are you positive it’s post traumatic stress?! I mean, are you sure IT’S NOT THE DEAD ON THE PHONE!!?

cause that’s why I got rid of mine.

Monday, January 24, 2005

...And then there's this guy

here's a few choice morsels from the story...

Mr Josuat-Verges left his home on 18 December suffering from depression and telling his wife he wanted to be alone for a time, local newspapers said. Taking a bottle of whisky he drove his jeep to an abandoned mushroom farm consisting of a vast network of underground tunnels.
But in the pitch blackness he got lost and for the next 35 days he had to survive as he could.
Wrapped in plastic sheeting, he said he ate wood and clay, which may have been the remains of the mushrooms. On Thursday the teenagers, taking advantage of a teachers' strike, went to explore the underground galleries which are supposed to be out of bounds to the public.

he says, "honey, I need to be alone..." and vanishes for 4 weeks, and if it wasn't for a teachers strike that sent a bunch of teenagers out looking for adventure...he'd still be in the cave eating wood and clay. Somebody buy the rights to this guy's story - RIGHT NOW! This is a teevee movie of the week. "The JosuatVerges saga!"

Oh my lord, i am now a fjord

in theory that is - literally i'm like over 80% water so that is very unlike the fjord. I do feel though that based on public reaction I reflect all of the power, elegance, beauty, and underratedness of the fjord.

Daytime television commercials bum me out - although I'm not the target market of these I am made to feel like I've either been in a car accident and need legal representation, need to join a tech trade school or be a fashon designer, need cheap auto insurance, or need $500 cash overnight. Why can't I watch Bob Barker and experience the ultimate feeling of glory that only he and Plinko can provide without the constant fear that every 11 minutes or so i will be made to feel like a loser for 2 1/2 minutes?

Anyways - glad to be here - more soon.

Am I a fuckfaced dipshit, or is this weird?

I just walked into the bathroom at my place of business (yes, the vodka made it through the weekend - whew!) and there were not one, but two guys in there brushing their teeth and discussing stocks. Now, I ask you inter-world, am I a fuckfaced dipshit, or is this behavoir wierd? Know this: I'm fully aware that even if this is considered a weird behavoir for grown men to brush their teeth and discuss the market, that does not necessarily absolve me from fuckfaced dipshit status, but it may get my dad off my back for a while. I mean really, you guys, it was all I could do to not spit the swig of vodka I took right in their dumb ass faces.....I'm tired......and more than a little drunk......

I sleep in a FJORD.......

Actually, that's not altogether untrue. It was the carefree, showerless summer of my youth. That's right, the only summer of youth I ever enjoyed. Every summer subsequent to this one, I've lived behind the constrictive parameters of adult responsibility. But this particular summer, I lived for me, man! Nobody told me what to do. I made my own rules. Set my own hours. Pieced together change for cigarrettes. Yeah, that was living, boy-o. But it wasn't in a FJORD I slept. It was in a Ford. An escort, to be exact. My 6'3" friend "lived" with me sometimes in there, too. It sucked. Look, my point is, kids it doesn't matter if you stay in school. I did and I still spent a cramped, generally reeky summer sleeping in my car. Just make good choices, kids. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure that bottle of vodka I keep hidden under the toilet lid at work made it through the weekend.......

Saturday, January 22, 2005

At the Shell Station

I'm coming home from a long week, and I stop by the local Shell station for a couple of tall boys. There's a kid that works there, his name is Moe. I like the guy well enough for having only known him through commercial transactions such as the above. So to vary up the usual "how's it going" pleasantry, I say, "How they treatin' you man?" And tripping off his tongue without a pause, he replies, "Like a slave."

Happy Weekend.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Which side of the Fjord are you on?

This question comes to my mind, that needs to be answered for you who are new to fjord. When choosing sides, geographically situated, there are only a finite number of directional sides you can end up at the fjord. You can pick a cardinal point...North/South, East/West, or a variance of those - leading you to the South East/West or the North East/West side. You might even be partial to the water between the land, which, in my opinion really makes a fjord. But anyways, that's like 10 sides you could possibly choose - depending on the geographical particulars of your chosen fjord. However, this kind of duality-esque thinking leads us to the dynamics of mini-golf, or politics, or hunting duck-billed platypus. (just an aside - did you know that in zoos that have duck-billed platypuses, they keep them in the platypussiarie?) Anyway, it creates an us-VS-them mentality, which, I observe, is ripping our world apart. Well, theorizing aside, it's important to point out that all of us at fjord, are clearly on just one side...the fjord's side. So, if you're not with us, then you're against us.

Estuaries in the stream....

Hey, I'm just seeing if this thing works. I'm Q-dog and I love fjords more than I love just about any land mass. Up to, but not including, clumps of dirt, handfuls of mud and the occassional boot-bottom dirt cover. Get fjord or get bent.....

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by Dario Tsunami.
so far this is as close as I have come to making this a part of the current blog page. I'll try harder tomorrow.

Please stand by

We here at Fjord are doing are best, but there are still a couple more construction related kinks we've got to work out before this thing plows ahead, like a rampaging...estuary.

Anyways, check back in a couple of days, I can tell you - positively - that by then something new and exciting will have happened. (certainly something new)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

New Add

Welcome to fjord, the blog with the biggest stake in the new landscape that's sweeping the nation, and the globe. Check back soon to find out more!