Saturday, January 29, 2005

What time is it at Fjord?

As you may have noticed, we've added a new staff member to the mighty East Coast Branch of Fjord. The overall strategy was to keep up with the overwhelming demand for fjord related content that, surprisingly, you in the inter-world have been demanding.

While I'm keeping you abreast of new developments, I'd also like to take a moment and let you know of the project that I've been working on. It's more of a conceptual construction than a post made with clever linguistic ups-and-downs. I've tentatively called it "Fjord-Time."

Now, here on the great North American continent, the geographical distance is so vast, that it is broken down into four time zones. When those hard working kids in NYC decide to shut down the office, we've still got three more hours before we can do the same in Los Angeles.

So I'm toying with the idea of creating a new Fjord-specific time-zone, outside of the temporal divide between East and West coasts. We'll see how this all plays out, as I'm not sure about the zoning, and permits required for creating your own time-zone, and I'm not actually sure what time it will be there. Hopefully these things will work themselves out without too much trouble, I mean, how hard can it be?

Anyways, if you have any experience with this kind of thing, or just want to leave a comment, your input would be welcome.

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