Monday, January 24, 2005

...And then there's this guy

here's a few choice morsels from the story...

Mr Josuat-Verges left his home on 18 December suffering from depression and telling his wife he wanted to be alone for a time, local newspapers said. Taking a bottle of whisky he drove his jeep to an abandoned mushroom farm consisting of a vast network of underground tunnels.
But in the pitch blackness he got lost and for the next 35 days he had to survive as he could.
Wrapped in plastic sheeting, he said he ate wood and clay, which may have been the remains of the mushrooms. On Thursday the teenagers, taking advantage of a teachers' strike, went to explore the underground galleries which are supposed to be out of bounds to the public.

he says, "honey, I need to be alone..." and vanishes for 4 weeks, and if it wasn't for a teachers strike that sent a bunch of teenagers out looking for adventure...he'd still be in the cave eating wood and clay. Somebody buy the rights to this guy's story - RIGHT NOW! This is a teevee movie of the week. "The JosuatVerges saga!"

1 comment:

D.T. said...

dude, of course there are mushroom farms. Mostly they are in caves, where airborne predators are not an issue. The funny thing I was wondering about was, "What would happen if your entire subsistance diet consisted of psychedelic mushrooms?"
(forgive any mis-spellings, I'm drunk and it's late)

Jenny Nitro replied,
"Then you go loco."

I figured that was why I don't live off of psychedelic mushrooms.
so unless anybody else has something to add, back to the fishbowl! Go Fjord!