Monday, June 30, 2008

Always Happens...(part II of six billion)

So I'm floggin some stupid story, and something pops up to support it, like this!

(Since I dunno the site, or how long the link'll last, I'm gonna paste the munny-quote fer future blogger archaeologists) (blogoligist? Hmm, possibly...anyhoo, back to the post!)

Matthew McConaughey lost more than his flip-flops during a recent surfing trip to Nicaragua - thieves made off with his cellphone and $2,000 (€1,264) in cash.

The movie star was reportedly carried home drunk from a bar in San Juan Del Sur after standing on tables asking patrons to help him find his missing flip-flops - and then allegedly passing out.

His bar pals took him back to his hotel room and put him to bed but left his door wide open when they left to go home - and that's when opportunists struck, according to sources.

I'm pretty sure my bit went something like this...
"Wearing flip-flops is like giving up, and announcing to the entire animal kingdom - I AM HELPLESS PREY - EAT ME!"

I suppose the only thing worse than sending out that signal by wearing flip-flops, is actually BROADCASTING TO ANYONE IN HEARING RANGE THAT YOU HAD LOST YOUR "I AM HELPLESS PREY -EAT ME" SIGNAL SENDING FOOTWEAR - AND NEED HELP TO FIND THEM!

My Gjod, it's literally unfathomable.

Incase yer feeling a little intellectual today

I really like this place. Over the last few months, they've done a really interesting series of posts about blast walls in Iraq. It really digs up a lot of bits about architecture, occupation, violence, and ties them into a fascinating angle that I've never seen even remotely discussed anywhere else. Here's the last one...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

This is not news

to anyone paying attention.

As an honorable citizen of the U.S.-of-A., I have debated the numbers...and I merely speculate, but I believe it would take a tad under one-million citizens, to gather in Washington D.C., march into the Capitol, and announce these words.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

(The rest is here...a pretty fun document, since you can pretty much see Jefferson drinking more and more wine as the document progresses, until at the very end, he tries to pull it all together. Sort of like a Fjordian blogpost...but I digress.)

And then what happens? I dunno. The problem with removing a government is replacing it. I'm pretty sure Douglas Adams nailed it when he wrote (something along these lines) "The problem is anybody who wants to become President should automatically be disqualified from the job."

And the other problem is - say you got one million people to march to the Capitol and you kicked-ass, restored the Constitution, and replaced all the corporate-shill-Congresspeople with regular Joe-Citizens...and everyone goes back home to their everyday stuff - and then all the big money boys hire two-million people to head back down to the Capitol, and do the exact same thing, changing all of it back. Sure it's news for a couple of days, but the average Citizen do-gooder ain't got the cash to fund one trip to Washington, much less two. Basically, after that, we're talking Roman Empire shit...unruly mobs from all sides of the spectrum of "what America should look like," but with guns, tazers, sonic weapons and puke-rays. Well, it'd be interesting for a little bit, until the Emporer comes along, and the whole chaotic experiment is crushed under the heel of an iron boot. Pretty sure that happened in France, and Rome...lotsa trouble...not to mention the beheadings...

It is fun to dream of a better future...isn't it?

One of my favorite lines of all times comes from a super crappy movie called The Day After Tomorrow. Just a dude sayin, "I'm sure we're going to be fine!" (then he's flash-frozen to death...or something)

Here's a list of yer Representatives that sold out yer 4th Amendment, according to my blogger sources, fer a measly 9-grand a piece. That's not even a new car. What the fjuck does 9-grand actually buy of anything??

Oh, and here's a couple snaps of what 500,000 people look like. Funny how after this, not one solid chunk of immigration legislation made it down the pipe. Why? Well, 500,000 thousand people walking down the street's kinda', supa' intimidating.

(found via google if yer the photographer and don't want them here, just lemme know!)

So to reiterate the headline,
"this is not news."

Just sayin'

Friday, June 27, 2008

No Original Content Yet...

But the multi-media channelfjord is alive!

Baby-steps...I wish I didn't have to take baby steps...

Here's a cute as fjuck vid you can see there.

Along with a whole mess of other stuff you may have seen here at Fjord, or things that just kick- ass, and I haven't found a good enough reason to show yas.

I'll be sure to letcha know when this has more original D.T. content...promise!

Friday is aware...

Friday is aware that he is the embodiment of how much is too much. He is the mansion that is too huge, with too nice a view. He is the car passing you on the street that costs more than you're capable of making in your entire life. Friday is aware he is a direct representation of gluttony without guilt. He is the all-you-can-eat buffet, and the party with all the drugs you can possibly take, and the non-stop-sex-orgy you've only heard about in rumors. Friday is aware he is the toggle switch from devoting four days of slaving for a clean (or dirty) dollar, to having two days of time just to yourself. Friday is aware that uncounted billions of mortals on planet earth have yet to feel that feeling. Friday is aware that time is passing and this moment and the next, are passing into history. Friday, like you or I, also does not know where those moments go. Friday, unlike you or I, does not care since he is the sense that as long as the current structure of a seven-day-week exists, so will he. Friday is aware of the looks of jealousy or envy, as he makes his way through the world. He gets them from immortal and mortal alike, like walking through a poor part of town carrying an 18-pack of beer. Friday is aware he is the ultimate billionaire playboy, unstoppable in force or will or desire. Friday is aware that people (and entities) might think him a bimbo, (himbo? Mimbo? Manboob? Dink?) as he just wants to have fun. Yet , bestowed with the role, what was he supposed to do? Take responsibility!?! Make the most of his "bully pulpit" to change the world for the better!?! Asking you to sacrifice this time to actually work to make the world a better place!?!

Nay, that's the job of the most Badass Monday, or Shifty/Tricksey Tuesday, or the Clever Inventor/Artisan/Hunchback Wednesday, or the most Solidly-Allied-To-Friday-of-all- Weekdays, Thursday. Those are the days to get things done. Friday is aware he could do better. But Friday has a lot on his plate, and a lot of people and things to serve...and when was the last time you hosted a party and forgot - or couldn't find- just the one thing, device, or activity that would have made everyone feel better...Friday's got to deal with 7 billion people, people just like you, on a never ending weekly basis. Friday is aware that he sets the table of your feast and merriment every week.

It's pretty much up to you to make the most of it.

Happy Friday

Re: Flamethrowers

This is short.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Staunchly Opposed To This Footwear...

"Flip-flops" or "thongs" - Just cannot for the life of me get behind this hideously ugly, and demonically impractical abomination of "shoe."

This little article brings a little research to the subject (yes, it appears they actually spent money looking at this...sigh...I coulda' just told em.

The Auburn team videotaped 39 flip-flop-wearing volunteers and noticed how they scrunched their toes to keep the flip-flip on the foot while the heel lifted in the air. This motion stretches the plantar fascia, the connective tissue that runs from heel to toe, causing inflammation, pain along the sole, heel spurs and tired feet in general.

These symptoms were actually what flip-flop wearers at Auburn University had reported upon returning to classes in the fall. An entire summer of flip-flop wearing had taken its toll.

The researchers also found that the volunteers altered their gait , taking shorter strides and turning their ankles inward, likely to keep the flip-flop from falling off. This, the researchers worry, can cause long-term ankle and hip problems.

Of course, this study does nothing to touch on a more important fact, which is - if you turned the corner wearing these awful things, and were confjronted by a rabid dog, (or a pack of coyotes, wolverines, angry possums, mountain puma, hell insert yours here) you my friend, would be in big trouble. Running is out, kicking for self-defense is out, yer just screwed. Creatures in nature have a whole array of of signals to warn predators of bad consequences - the skunk, the porcupine, the wasp, hell even the Monarch butterfly is colorful because it's poisoness! Wearing flip-flops is like giving up, and announcing to the entire animal kingdom - I AM HELPLESS PREY - EAT ME!

This, however, does not.

Yep, signals.
You are sending them all the time. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thank Gjod! "Earth 'not at risk' from collider"

I feel so much safer now!

Here's our munny quote...
But the report, issued the European Organization for Nuclear Research, says there is "no conceivable danger".

Whew! I had been worried for a little bit about that...but now, oh, wait...

Critics have previously raised concerns that the production of weird hypothetical particles called strangelets in the LHC could trigger the mass conversion of nuclei in ordinary atoms into more strange matter - transforming the Earth into a hot, dead lump.

All right...who are these critics, all worried and paranoid about this stuff? Clearly a buncha whackos! Oop...well, there's this guy...
But in 2003, Dr Adrian Kent, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge, wrote a paper in which he argued that scientists had not adequately calculated the risks of a "killer strangelet" catastrophe scenario.

Just a theoretical physicist at Cambridge. Nothing to see here...move along. Oh, and to further reassure you crackpots...
theoretical physicist John Ellis, confirmed that black holes could be made by the collider. But they said: "If microscopic black holes were to be singly produced by colliding the quarks and gluons inside protons, they would also be able to decay into the same types of particles that produced them."

The report added: "The expected lifetime [of a mini-black hole] would be very short."

So yeah - everything's awesome, and we're not about to imperil our little planet with anything a black hole that would only last "a very short lifetime." Besides, this stuff will be perfectly contained in a capture matrix that will controll all the forces which we will have created.

The LHC was due to switch on in 26 November 2007. The start-up has been postponed several times, however, and is currently scheduled for later this summer. The first delay was precipitated by an accident in March 2007 during stress testing of one of the LHC's "quadrupole" magnets. A statement carried on the Cern website from the US laboratory that provided the magnet stated that the equipment had experienced a "failure" when supporting structures "broke".

It later emerged that the magnet had exploded in the tunnel, close to one of the LHC's most important detectors.

But apart from that, everything's amazing!

Older post

Another old post here.

A hokey beginning, but here's a sweet vid of the thing.

Hehe..."Could have been..."


I believe the munny quote is...
"The tools could have been used to hunt horses, mammoth and woolly rhinoceros."

Or, they could have been used to make
primitive spacecraft!

Are you sure you don't want to move into the field of pre-historical archeology? I am still happy to make good on my offer...

...I'll be happy to give you a (really crappy looking) CERTIFICATE OF EXPERTISE IN THE FIELD OF PRE-HISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY - FROM THE FJORDIAN (err...thinking quickly on the fly here) COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY! (yes, that will do nicely.)

Whatta fjuckin' cake job!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Haha...silly rabbit - TRIX ARE FOR KIDS!!

No foolish cartoon children, trix are for everybody! We - by "we" I mean everyone out here in the real world - are trixed day in and day out, and nobody stops the silly rabbit, he just shows up in another form, in another venue, and KEEPS FJUCKING TRIXING US!

I for one, would like the dang Coyote Gjod to appear and eat up that dang rabbit, cause this particular WCB Correspondent want's an end to it. Could we just go a year without this rabbit crap? The King of the Swamp People
has not forgotten! Hell, you don't want the King to start commanding me to link to shit, because it. Won't. End.

I'm tired of paying attention to the stuff that's important, and never gets mentioned. I've got other things to do. But I am watching...and if that fjuckin' rabbit shows up one more time, I'm going to grab it by it's silly cartoon throat, and twist it till the fjuckin' head pops off.

Whew...guess this post is a fine reason not to drink and blog ina heatwave.

Still, I mean every word.

I'm watchin you...fjuckin' rabbit.

We lost a fellow watcher yesterday, which makes me sad. This isn't his best piece, but it's worth hearing, nevertheless.

Anybody left to take his place? Me wonders...

Mebby this dude?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Always Happens...

I start plugging some stupid story, and the next thing you know, something pops up to support it. Like this!

In fact, there are no rooms, only corridors, with corpses two deep if they are standing, and three or more if lying along the walls.

Yeah...only they ain't corpses, they're frikken mummies!!

(found at boing boing)

(dunno why the pic gots cut off...but click on it if ya wanna see the whole mummy-frying action)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tonight Your Friday Post

Will be this video!

(Please take notes, there will be a test on this later)


'Ere's a little palate clenser

from the last one...

The Big Picture - Really nice, big pictures.

The Bill Of Rights?

When did that thing ever do me any good? Can't say, but we here at the WCB of Fjord still kinda' like the little guy.


Today is National IV Amendment Defense Day - there's a big vote today in the House, and it does appear if it passes (which, at the moment, seems it will) one of the fundamental rights you thought you had ('ere in the good 'ole U.S.of A) doesn't mean exactly what you thought it did.

Our rep's kinda' sprung this on us all if you can call a few of 'em and say WTF? - real quick-like, they might get a little worried. That's what we want. Find yers here.

I did it yesterday, and it's pretty fact, I actually called my Rep's office AND MY REP (Diane Watson) ACTUALLY PICKED UP THE PHONE!

Too late. It's a done deal in the House. They debated for an hour, and gave away the store. At least we still have...err, about six amendments left...

I'm off to do something drink a lot and huff some paint.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Oooozeining

Yes, creativity that normally flows thru my brain like liquid fire, has now, officially, slowed to the pace of ooze. Hopefully this will just be for today.

I'll just leave you with this little question.
"What are you spending your "economic stimulus check" on?"

I'm still debating...but I think I'm gonna put it somewhere safe until I have an ider that is totally awesome! If you have any suggestions for me, feel free to leave one in the comments. (if it's spending it on you...please remember, I'm rather miffed that nobody got me a Cinco De Mayo gift)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More exhibits...

Cows and kangaroos, equally dumb?

Exhibit "M"

Exhibit "N"

For those of you new to the's the previous exhibits...

The first...
Exhibit B
Exhibit C (definately one of my fave's)
E & F

And in a brilliant act of blogging one-upsmanship, it seems our pal rhino has started a series of "Why humans are dumber than cows or kangaroos" I'm sure there will be many, many fine exhibits in that piece.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

!! Mummy News !! Mummy News !! Mummy News !!

It seems that the Egyptian government has hired Robert Ballard (The fellow who found the Titanic wreck - amongst other underwater relics) to find the sarcophagus of Menkaure - the Pharaoh buried in the third largest pyramid at Giza.

Read the whole super-interesting story
right here.

Incase that link doesn't's a nice little bit.

Built from polished blue basalt to transport the king's earthly remains to the next world, the elaborately decorated vessel lay hidden inside the third-largest of Giza's renowned Pyramids for more than 4,000 years. In 1837 the British colonel Richard William Howard Vyse blasted his way into Menkaure's sepulchral chamber using gunpowder and discovered the stone casket.

The mummy was missing by that time — ancient Arabic graffiti indicated that the colonel was not the first to find the chamber — and he realised that his discovery could open the way for a new generation of grave robbers. “As the sarcophagus would have been destroyed had it remained in the Pyramid,” he noted in his diaries, “I resolved to send it to the British Museum.”

So the fellow puts it on a ship, and the ship runs into a storm and sinks. For a few hundred years this sarcophagus has been resting at the bottom of the Mediterranean, and now they want to find it, and if anyone can, it'll be Ballard - that's just what he does.

However, knowing me, you know I can't just let it ride like that, so here's a few ideas.
1)Menkaure's mummy was missing when Vyse got's implied that vandals took him, however, wouldn't that be the perfect ruse for a mummy? Paint some graffiti on the walls - make it look like he'd been stolen - and hide out in another secret pyramid chamber.


2)Menkaure was in the sarcophagus, Vyse new it and lied, and the mummy got pissed when being shipped away from his home, so he used his mummy powers to summon up a storm big enough to sink it...knowing in 200 years or so, his people would come looking for him, and bring him back.


3)Menkaure was in the sarcophagus, tricked Vyse into thinking he wasn't, because where on earth is a mummy safer - than in a museum? Looked after, preserved,'s PERFECT! But, some agents - supernatural or otherwise, realized this act had to be stopped, and sank the ship. After all - who wants the third most powerful mummy in the world on the loose, or worse, TOTALLY PROTECTED AGAINST DESTRUCTION! Now, after 200 years, Menkaure has finally orchestrated his watery prison jail-break, and according to plan, will be found, pulled from the sea floor, and...PLACED IN A MUSEUM!

I'm going with #3, but feel free to draw your own conclusions.

The Big Bang...Universes...that kind of junk

So a week and a half ago, I saw this story on the Beeb, and was struck by the implications. Here's one of the munny quotes...

Dr Adrienne Erickcek, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and colleagues now believe these fluctuations contain hints that our Universe "bubbled off" from a previous one.
Their model suggests that new universes could be created spontaneously from apparently empty space. From inside the parent universe, the event would be surprisingly unspectacular.

The problem was, I couldn't quite get my head around what this all I just dropped it. However, Warren Ellis has a nice take on it.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Getting Closer...

Got a couple of juicy stories I'll be posting about tomorrow...

Tune in then...
same fjord time
same fjord channel.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Not a lot on the intertubes...

Tonite to catch my attention. Maybe there's never that much out here, in the tubes. Maybe it's nothing but stupid stuff blown waaaay out of proportion. Or maybe it's just one of my virtual friends just showed up in real life on a whim, and I have to offer a very real experience to a very solid human, that up till now I've only ever known from digital packets.

And the latter, my fine friendly a moment I hope you all can experience. This internet thing is real don'tcha know. Sometimes when you reach towards the digital void, the digital void really physically reaches back...and fjucking grabs you!

Are you going to be ready if it actually happens?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Yaknow me...

I'm like nearly everyone...I try and like things, and I try hard to like people.

I'm almost always disappointed.

Common enough, methinks...I mean, I can't be the only one. Right?

Well, if you're in my camp on this one (you try and like things, and try hard to like people, and are almost always disappointed) this place is exactly what you need. Almost enough to restore your faith in everything.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

In the Archives...

I just found May 2005 to be really this little work of penmanship.

And that's just the tip 'o the iceburg. There's a heap more I've got to get thru just to finish the month. If I see anything else that's particularly noteworthy, I'll make sure to update this here post.

Meng, the whole dang month is retardedly astounding! Howabout this little bit on lists?

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Fairy Mummy!

Been meaning to post this for a while...
Rhino found this link...and sent it on so that we (your mummy-njews clearing house) could keep you up-to-date, on the vast array of mummies that are out there, ready to suck your soul dry. Looks like this one can fly...

The Continuing...

Exhibit "J"

And Exhibit "K"

Honestly, I dunno why I'm still doing's like, hasn't the point been made already? Probly, but then again...

Exhibit "L"

Friday, June 06, 2008

There Will Be Another (one)

Friday lays in a hammock tied to the underside of a strangely bent palm tree, that reached out over the white sands of a beach, which gently fade under warm Caribbean Ocean waters. Mexican beer sits under him in a metal bucket filled with ice, placed strategically in the shadow of the trunk. One of the sweating bottles is in his hand, and he takes a swig as the sound of waves washing gently upon the beach gradually drive all of his crazy pondering thoughts away into nothing.

"Was Jesus a super awesome carpenter? Because Buddha and Mohammad were pretty well off kids. They took that leisure time to focus on transcending into demi-gods...or maybe even real Gods, but, how did J.C. fund forty-days and forty nights alone in the desert, his parents could only afford to give birth in a stable! He must have been pretty amazing working wood, in order to fund more than a month away from his workplace...was his shop still there when he came back?"

Whoosh - washed away. Somewhere a seagull cried twice, then another wave rolled up gently on the beach.

He had another sip of beer, and wondered about his own spiritual gravity. Were there Guardian Angels hovering about him as he lay in the hammock, or perhaps there were other spirits that shared an affection for his energy that were drawn to it like moths to light, keeping him safe? Were his ancestors about in spirit form, looking to keep him from harm? And did he owe them some sort of sacrifice to keep some, or all of them appeased?

Whoosh - washed away. Friday shifted his head, and just watched the gentle waves coming in. A brown seal* poked it's head out of the water, and looked about for a moment, before diving down...emerging twelve feet further along the coast to pop his head back up, and continue his observations. He then appeared to look straight at Friday appraising for a good long moment, then disappeared under the waters for good.

Friday rocked his hammock into a more pronounced swing, and drained the rest of his beverage. He tossed the empty bottle in a torqued spin, that landed directly (opening down) in an open spot near the edge of the ice-bucket full of beer. On his next swing, he reached down with his left arm, and grabbed a full bottle from the bucket. He raised himself from the waist for a brief moment to take a sip off the top of the new bottle - enough to assure he wouldn't spill on his chest, when he took another drink while fully reposed. Then he lay back.

What about Monday, and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday...he pondered. Shouldn't they be part of...

Whoosh - the waves washed gently in, and it was gone.

Friday was past it. He realized that pondering here was impossible, and totally a waste of time. The hammock swung gently in the breeze off the sea. There was no point in thinking about anything except how gjoddang nice this place was. Even if he took this time to find something remarkable, it would be gone in five minutes, replaced with something else...

His head caught a flash of light-brown streaking from the sky, and then a splash in the water. A pelican emerged from the water, and finished swallowing a fish. "Isn't that nice." Thought Friday, "except if you were that fish I guess...that would suck."

Whoosh - the waves washed gently in, and it was gone.

The sun shone down - diffused by the palm's shadow, and it was nice. Friday had a sip of cold beer, and it was nice. A gentle cool breeze blew in from the sea, and it was nice. A cinnamon skinned waitress clad in a grass skirt walked up towards the beach towards his hammock, and it was awfully nice watching her move.

Whoosh - the waves washed gently in, and it was gone.

Friday wondered what he had been thinking about, as it seemed curiously satisfying at the time. He had a sip of beer, rocked in his hammock tied to the underside of a strangely bent palm tree, that reached out over the white sands of a beach, which gently fade under warm Caribbean Ocean waters. "Well, this is nice." He thought to himself. And that was the last thing he thought for a long while.

Happy Friday

*The author does not know if brown seals, or any seal's habitat includes the Caribbean Ocean, it just seemed like a really nice thing to add there.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

1000! (that's one fjuckin' thousand)

Special Message From The Casa Aloha: Fjord Corporate H.Q.

Receives as following:


Well now, that wasn't so hard, was it?

Since our humble beginnings on January 19th 2005, 'ole Fjord here has attracted 17,051 visitors, and 34,484 page views. Since then, we've also caused 14 dangerously violent riots, brokered a peace treaty between Micronesia and Java, sold 3,000 pairs of defective shoes to Paraguay, robbed a bank, using the proceeds to purchase five surplus Soviet tanks, and intervened in time to stop scientists from making a black hole (twice) and a sun on our fair planet. I am aware our record is something of a mixed bag, but it's been fun.

What's not so fun, is remembering those who have fallen in the service to Fjord. Over the span of three years, we've lost Mindfuck, Fjord Borg, and Q-dog to BBS (blogger burnout syndrome...(there should be a national day of mourning, it's happened to so can only wonder where they are today, wandering the streets of some strange town-with the other homeless bloggers, digging thru trashcans looking for something to eat, shouting at fire hydrants and passing cars...minds destroyed by the all-consuming webmonster...but I digress)) Internet time is like dog-years which according to the numbers is like TWENTY FIVE YEARS! And boy, it does feel like it sometimes.

Anyways, as heartless as it sounds, I ain't got time to mourn the fallen. There's this (and another, and another) post to be written, and I'm the only one left to do it. So, here's some things I'm awfully proud of.

1)Spreading the word about the insidious mummy threat.
2)Keeping you abreast of Pirate news.
3)Informing everyone about the also insidious jellyfish threat.
4)Mister Pigglesworth and Mister Gimpson
5) Drunk Elephants
6)A ridiculously huge amount of great stuff in the archives. Only...from the early days there are plenty of busted links, and pulled You-tube videos...sigh...
7)A whole mass of Friday Posts - there's frikken 21 google pages of that shit!...Dang!
(please note that the previous links are best used by copying and pasting the actual link underneath the google listing you want to view...its a different color, and sadly, not a hyperlink - that's how google rolls)

And finally, I'd like to mention that it makes me awfully proud that some people actually come here specifically to read my stuff. Thanks! As sappy as it sounds in text, I really do appreciate it. In fact, it's the only reason I do this here stuff.

Well, that's it from the WCB of Fjord. I think I remember writing somewhere there are no trumpets that sound for important moments...ah yeah, here it is , I think I'll just let that one fill in for the proper ending to this post.



Yaaay! Politics!

I dunno if you know the backstory, but last nite John McCain gave a speech to a few supporters, and he did it in front of a green background. Lots of people said the background made him look strange...

Sadly No, has this freaking hilarious post that you really gotta see.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Mad Scientist Type Stuff!

A fellow has built a 26 ton ball, that he's gonna fill with molten metal, and then spin for a while, to find out more about planetary magnetic fields. The full story and a cool little vid is over at NPR.

(Found by neatorama)

Just found
this digging around on reddit - NASA Makes Magnetic Fields's mind blowingly cool!

Heh, I guess when it's on a platter

You just gotta serve it up. (Continuing from the previous post)

Prehistoric man may have executed rivals from neighbouring tribes to steal their women

Ahhh, women. Worth stealing since (at least) 7000 B.C.!

And in an amazing twist, a link off the side of that story takes us back to this little diddy from 2007 - Site used by man 5,000 years ago. What's the amazing twist? Well, howabout this...

Steve Speak, senior keeper of field archaeology for Tyne and Wear Museums, said: "Trying to make sense of all the various dates from the same site is a bit of a puzzle - it seems the spot was reoccupied almost continuously throughout the prehistoric period. "What isn't clear is what it was actually used for, it's not well enough preserved for us to say that it was a farmstead, a defensive site, a settlement or something more spiritual in nature.

Didn't I just write this...?
"Anyhoo - the point being, this shit's pretty neat...being almost entirely left to your imagination. Not one authority on the subject can't be brought low by a new discovery, but really new paradigm-shifting discoveries from the pre-historic age practically don't ever happen. So fjuck the experts, they know as much as you!"

Being so resoundingly backed-up a mere day later by the internets makes me feel as though I really hit upon a solid truth here. So much so that if you desire, I'll be happy to give you a (really crappy looking) CERTIFICATE OF EXPERTISE IN THE FIELD OF PRE-HISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY - FROM THE FJORDIAN (err...thinking quickly on the fly here) COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY! (yes, that will do nicely.)

Any takers?

Monday, June 02, 2008

So today I went all ancient-style

I mean super ancient-style! Like pre...we know nothin about nothin ancient.

(hopefully this stuff will be posted below these awesome photos - but with blogger ya never know.) (Oh-and please click to embiggify!)

Anyhoo - there's been a little action over at Stonehenge lately, and while that report wasn't so astounding, it was kinda neat. (and btw the timelapse video is totally worth watching.) What's more neat, is this little website called Stone Pages that gives a whole array of pre-historic monumental construction throughout Europe. (very be careful, you can get lost at this place for a long while)

Of their massive collection of places and sites, there is a tiny backstory that does very little to slake your desire for more knowledge of what you're looking at. Undoubtedly there is more info about specific places that you could find, but not much more. One of the great things about pre-history is that there is so very little to find out. What you see is what you get. The stuff that anyone finds in these places, regardless of sophisticated technological analysis, has been so reduced by time, that it's practically like analyzin' nature. I, like everybody, wants to know how people, who didn't even know what technology was, moved 70 ton stones hundreds of miles, to build something that has remained for 6000 years.

And why? Yea, the "why" is also a good question too. Must have been for a good reason, no? I seem to recall reading an arcticle about some practitioner of the Chinese art of Chi, (or perhaps more correctly, "Qi") who did a study of Europe (or England - can't recall) and found many of the important convergent spots of Chi energy had pre-historic structures built upon them. (A quick search of google and wikapedia couldn't find what I was looking for, but maybe more intrepid internet users might be more fruitful...if that's yer cuppa tea, lemme know.)

Anyhoo - the point being, this shit's pretty neat...being almost entirely left to your imagination. Not one authority on the subject can't be brought low by a new discovery, but really new paradigm-shifting discoveries from the pre-historic age practically don't ever happen. So fjuck the experts, they know as much as you! As fer Stonehenge, the common theory is that the massive blocks came from a quarry in South West Wales, dragged by sledges over rolling logs onto the Salisbury Plain, and then, by means unknown, placed in their current location. Of course, then there's this guy who just came up with a completely different, and more plausible explanation...

I don't buy into the "if you don't know history you are doomed to repeat it" school of thought, but I do know it's pretty interesting.