Receives as following:
Well now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Since our humble beginnings on January 19th 2005, 'ole Fjord here has attracted 17,051 visitors, and 34,484 page views. Since then, we've also caused 14 dangerously violent riots, brokered a peace treaty between Micronesia and Java, sold 3,000 pairs of defective shoes to Paraguay, robbed a bank, using the proceeds to purchase five surplus Soviet tanks, and intervened in time to stop scientists from making a black hole (twice) and a sun on our fair planet. I am aware our record is something of a mixed bag, but it's been fun.
What's not so fun, is remembering those who have fallen in the service to Fjord. Over the span of three years, we've lost Mindfuck, Fjord Borg, and Q-dog to BBS (blogger burnout syndrome...(there should be a national day of mourning, it's happened to so many...one can only wonder where they are today, wandering the streets of some strange town-with the other homeless bloggers, digging thru trashcans looking for something to eat, shouting at fire hydrants and passing cars...minds destroyed by the all-consuming webmonster...but I digress)) Internet time is like dog-years which according to the numbers is like TWENTY FIVE YEARS! And boy, it does feel like it sometimes.
Anyways, as heartless as it sounds, I ain't got time to mourn the fallen. There's this (and another, and another) post to be written, and I'm the only one left to do it. So, here's some things I'm awfully proud of.
1)Spreading the word about the insidious mummy threat.
2)Keeping you abreast of Pirate news.
3)Informing everyone about the also insidious jellyfish threat.
4)Mister Pigglesworth and Mister Gimpson
5) Drunk Elephants
6)A ridiculously huge amount of great stuff in the archives. Only...from the early days there are plenty of busted links, and pulled You-tube videos...sigh...
7)A whole mass of Friday Posts - there's frikken 21 google pages of that shit!...Dang!
(please note that the previous links are best used by copying and pasting the actual link underneath the google listing you want to view...its a different color, and sadly, not a hyperlink - that's how google rolls)
And finally, I'd like to mention that it makes me awfully proud that some people actually come here specifically to read my stuff. Thanks! As sappy as it sounds in text, I really do appreciate it. In fact, it's the only reason I do this here stuff.
Well, that's it from the WCB of Fjord. I think I remember writing somewhere there are no trumpets that sound for important moments...ah yeah, here it is , I think I'll just let that one fill in for the proper ending to this post.
great milestone man - keep the numbers coming. I dont get why people aren't reading these days.
great milestone man - keep the numbers coming. I dont get why people aren't reading these days.
Thanx Anon! People visit, and some read, they just don't comment. But I like comments!
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