Monday, June 23, 2008

Haha...silly rabbit - TRIX ARE FOR KIDS!!

No foolish cartoon children, trix are for everybody! We - by "we" I mean everyone out here in the real world - are trixed day in and day out, and nobody stops the silly rabbit, he just shows up in another form, in another venue, and KEEPS FJUCKING TRIXING US!

I for one, would like the dang Coyote Gjod to appear and eat up that dang rabbit, cause this particular WCB Correspondent want's an end to it. Could we just go a year without this rabbit crap? The King of the Swamp People
has not forgotten! Hell, you don't want the King to start commanding me to link to shit, because it. Won't. End.

I'm tired of paying attention to the stuff that's important, and never gets mentioned. I've got other things to do. But I am watching...and if that fjuckin' rabbit shows up one more time, I'm going to grab it by it's silly cartoon throat, and twist it till the fjuckin' head pops off.

Whew...guess this post is a fine reason not to drink and blog ina heatwave.

Still, I mean every word.

I'm watchin you...fjuckin' rabbit.

We lost a fellow watcher yesterday, which makes me sad. This isn't his best piece, but it's worth hearing, nevertheless.

Anybody left to take his place? Me wonders...

Mebby this dude?

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