I mean super ancient-style! Like pre...we know nothin about nothin ancient.

(hopefully this stuff will be posted below these awesome photos - but with blogger ya never know.) (Oh-and please click to embiggify!)
Anyhoo - there's been a little action over at Stonehenge lately, and while that report wasn't so astounding, it was kinda neat. (and btw the timelapse video is totally worth watching.) What's more neat, is this little website called Stone Pages that gives a whole array of pre-historic monumental construction throughout Europe. (very be careful, you can get lost at this place for a long while)
Of their massive collection of places and sites, there is a tiny backstory that does very little to slake your desire for more knowledge of what you're looking at. Undoubtedly there is more info about specific places that you could find, but not much more. One of the great things about pre-history is that there is so very little to find out. What you see is what you get. The stuff that anyone finds in these places, regardless of sophisticated technological analysis, has been so reduced by time, that it's practically like analyzin' nature. I, like everybody, wants to know how people, who didn't even know what technology was, moved 70 ton stones hundreds of miles, to build something that has remained for 6000 years.
And why? Yea, the "why" is also a good question too. Must have been for a good reason, no? I seem to recall reading an arcticle about some practitioner of the Chinese art of Chi, (or perhaps more correctly, "Qi") who did a study of Europe (or England - can't recall) and found many of the important convergent spots of Chi energy had pre-historic structures built upon them. (A quick search of google and wikapedia couldn't find what I was looking for, but maybe more intrepid internet users might be more fruitful...if that's yer cuppa tea, lemme know.)
Anyhoo - the point being, this shit's pretty neat...being almost entirely left to your imagination. Not one authority on the subject can't be brought low by a new discovery, but really new paradigm-shifting discoveries from the pre-historic age practically don't ever happen. So fjuck the experts, they know as much as you! As fer Stonehenge, the common theory is that the massive blocks came from a quarry in South West Wales, dragged by sledges over rolling logs onto the Salisbury Plain, and then, by means unknown, placed in their current location. Of course, then there's this guy who just came up with a completely different, and more plausible explanation...
I don't buy into the "if you don't know history you are doomed to repeat it" school of thought, but I do know it's pretty interesting.
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