Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday is aware...

Friday is aware that he is the embodiment of how much is too much. He is the mansion that is too huge, with too nice a view. He is the car passing you on the street that costs more than you're capable of making in your entire life. Friday is aware he is a direct representation of gluttony without guilt. He is the all-you-can-eat buffet, and the party with all the drugs you can possibly take, and the non-stop-sex-orgy you've only heard about in rumors. Friday is aware he is the toggle switch from devoting four days of slaving for a clean (or dirty) dollar, to having two days of time just to yourself. Friday is aware that uncounted billions of mortals on planet earth have yet to feel that feeling. Friday is aware that time is passing and this moment and the next, are passing into history. Friday, like you or I, also does not know where those moments go. Friday, unlike you or I, does not care since he is the sense that as long as the current structure of a seven-day-week exists, so will he. Friday is aware of the looks of jealousy or envy, as he makes his way through the world. He gets them from immortal and mortal alike, like walking through a poor part of town carrying an 18-pack of beer. Friday is aware he is the ultimate billionaire playboy, unstoppable in force or will or desire. Friday is aware that people (and entities) might think him a bimbo, (himbo? Mimbo? Manboob? Dink?) as he just wants to have fun. Yet , bestowed with the role, what was he supposed to do? Take responsibility!?! Make the most of his "bully pulpit" to change the world for the better!?! Asking you to sacrifice this time to actually work to make the world a better place!?!

Nay, that's the job of the most Badass Monday, or Shifty/Tricksey Tuesday, or the Clever Inventor/Artisan/Hunchback Wednesday, or the most Solidly-Allied-To-Friday-of-all- Weekdays, Thursday. Those are the days to get things done. Friday is aware he could do better. But Friday has a lot on his plate, and a lot of people and things to serve...and when was the last time you hosted a party and forgot - or couldn't find- just the one thing, device, or activity that would have made everyone feel better...Friday's got to deal with 7 billion people, people just like you, on a never ending weekly basis. Friday is aware that he sets the table of your feast and merriment every week.

It's pretty much up to you to make the most of it.

Happy Friday

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