Tuesday, April 05, 2005

And now back to our regularly scheduled popecast...I mean broadcast.

Since there has been a LOT OF STUFF going on -over in the hot chickboot of Europe - my recent technocentric-paranoia has taken a back seat. But that doesn't mean I haven't been watching what those devious scientists are up to. This is exactly the kind of media smokescreen they need to release such groundbreaking news as...

US scientists say they can tell whether one person trusts another, by using a brain scan.


Or this...

US scientists have designed a bionic eye to allow blind people to see again.


Holy Goats! While the Pope is off in the big sleep, scientists are working overtime to create cyborgs and robot warriors and thought sensing (and no doubt controlling) devices. Clearly if there's one thing I've learned through years of watching techno-sci-fi movies, it's that
Jeff Goldblum is my mortal enemy. Whether it's his snide voice, his "I know more than you at all times" characters, or just his super-agent's ability to get him into any and every mega-blockbuster movie in the last ten years...I just can't stand the guy.

Anyways - all loathing aside, with the Pope gone, scientists running amok, and the world on a collision course with destiny...isn't it about time for Goldblum to get up off the bench and SAVE US??!!

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