Saturday, April 16, 2005

Don't You Know We Know?

All you beautiful fjordlings, of the fairer (and most lovely) sex, let me tell you a secret. We know! We know! Our secret, is that we know, your secret!

That in the back of every Victoria's Secret (and every other lingerie-selling) store, there is a special hidden room where you lovely and curvaceous creatures don the most intimate apparel. We know, that there, cosmopolitans made with pricy vodka flow in an unending stream. And we also know that in your intimate apparel, and drunk to the point of giggling, you womenfolk fight each other with pillows!

I'm not suggesting you open those most secret and beautiful doors to just anyone...but there are some deserving members of your opposites who really need - nay must - see this strange, bizarre, and most sexy ritual...

I suggest inviting members of your local Fjord branch office. I think we've done enough to deserve it! Don't you???



You are OUT of your mind. Completely OUT of your mind.
We don't drink cosmos!
We drink "melon-tinis" or bellinis.

D.T. said...

I noticed you still haven't invited us!