Saturday, April 02, 2005

Uninspired, So I Look to the Random......Wish Us All Luck!

Before the undercover cop was gonna walk away from me, he stopped and asked me why I was being so suspiciously secretive about drinking a Red Bull on the subway platform, considering Red Bull is not an illegal open container, I Said, "Because I know it LOOKS like an illegal open container and, perhaps ironically, I didn't wanna risk being harassed by an undercover cop." I then leaned in closer and whispered, "Cuz I got a lot of weed in my pocket." I forget what happened next, but man are my shoulder blades sore......

My vote for the most hilarious NCAA sporting event match-up: Dartmouth vs. Brown.

Is it just me, or are ALL the hot, retarded girls already taken?

When it comes to life, I have a real "It's us versus them and I wouldn't want to be them if I were us right now," mentality.

I'd be more apt to take communion in church if A.) I ever went to church, or B.) The Body of Christ came in three great flavors!

When you don't have health insurance, your two best friends are time and bread. Cuz there's sweet, sweet penicilin locked inside that mold.

I'm pretty glad I live on a planet that only has one moon.

Sometimes you gotta look fear in it's face and fuck it's mouth.

As humanids, we should never forget that the only thing that separates us from dirty, shit-flinging monkeys is reason......and a prehensile tail.......

I'd be lost without the distant future and my immediate past.

And lastly, (I know, too bad, right?) I feel that hate is worse than killing, because killing ends the hate......

Well, there it is. My post for the day. I'm not sure how. I'm even less sure why. Come to think of it, that's probably exactly how and why it ended up like this. Hope you enjoyed it.....or something.......sigh.....


D.T. said...

Another tour-de-force for your perusal, brought to you by Fjord!


Damn those Red Bull cans! And those Ginseng drinks, too.
So I guess he jacked you for the weed, huh? Those scumbags.

Hey so I'm curious,what 3 flavors do you suggest for the eucharist?

(Can it be like those Harry Potter jellybeans with flavors like "vomit"?)

{BTW,You're funny as hell even on a so-called "bad day". You SO need a spanking, though:D}

Anonymous said...

You forgot
The Pope is dead.
April Fools
Ha Ha

D.T. said...

Hey, I ain't hatin' Q-to-the-D, but it seems as tho there should be something adventurous from your mid-heartland-tundra-excursion that you could drop for the curious and interested.

Course, if yer still running from those six Federal indictments from your last trip, and want to keep it low-profile...why, I understand.