Friday, April 15, 2005

Too Many Exclamation Points In the Last Few Headlines!!!!!!!!!

I have placed a moratorium on exclamation points on my titles from now on! There will only be one post title per week with exclamation points! I promise!!!

and now back to our regular programming...

The rest of the week kneels...finally subjugated after tormenting us for four days. (well, Thursday's usually pretty good...but sometimes...sometimes Thursday don't know his place.) The bastards finally got a taste of what's coming to them. "DIDN'T YOUR MOTHERS TELL YOU..." The King of All Weekdays shouts in a booming voice. Car alarms go off! Birds take to the air in panic! Even the skyscrapers tremble. Small Franklin Mint figurines fall off shelves. "TO PICK ON PEOPLE YOUR OWN SIZE!"

Of course, they did, but weekdays get a bit squirrelly when they're in charge. Now, we'll see if The Most Regal of Weekdays can teach 'em a lesson they won't forget. I don't have my hopes up for that tho. Mostly I have my hopes up for libations to flow fourth with great merriment, and numerous nymphs will be present. (or youknow, A present - whichever's good for me)

So...anyhoo, over here on the West Coast...yeah, that's right...the laggards of the entire continental United States time zone system, are the last people left minding the store. One by one you all have left, moving forward towards your date with weekend destiny. "Don't forget to turn off the lights...oh, and lock the door." You say, without even looking back.

We will, don't sweat it, and don't feel bad at all. We got your back. And besides, in another hour or two, we'll start up exactly where you did. Same Friday Time, Same Friday Channel - Eastern, Central, Mountain & Pacific. All Friday - Everywhere. 'Cept for at the dateline. It's Saturday there...lousy dateline.

Happy Friday...

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