Monday, April 04, 2005

Monday is a dirty sock you have to wear, because all your other socks are even more dirty.

I rarely ever get up on a Monday, and greet it like it was the first wrapped gift of the week. I just can't muster up that kind of positive reaction after beating up my snooze button, calling the alarm foul things, stubbing my toe on the chair I moved the night before, to replace the light bulb that burned out on the ceiling...

Today, my mantra whenever anybody ajsked me, "How was your weekend?" was,

"Lost the Lotto. Lost the Pope. Lost an hour."

I did see Sin City tho, and that was really cool. Beautiful sexy women, noir dialogue, and tons of ultra-violence. Pretty much like the every day life of a correspondent here at Fjord.

It was a funny juxtaposition from all the pageantry of Vatican City I watched on the teevee.
I decided it was a pretty big media spectacle, with a plotline that was not bad, and lots of good backstory...but it should have had more beautiful sexy women, and a little ultra-violence is always a crowd pleaser. I suppose that's why Sin City won the box office war, but I don't think the Vatican disclosed it's earnings.



LMFAO @ your mantra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regarding the sexy women of the Vatican-
You mean, like sexy nuns?
I dunno, DT.

D.T. said...

Nuns? Eww.

more like, umm, harem girls, and nurses, and ummm, strippers, and maybe some pirate that would add a bit of pizzaz to the Vatican. No?