Friday, June 03, 2005

A Few Friday Questions...

Hey y'all! A heartfelt Happy Friday to you! What are you guys doing this weekend? Really? That sounds cool! The funny thing is, that's exactly what I'm doing! Maybe I'll see you there....

As the title suggests, I have a few questions for you sweet, lucky Fjordlings today. Don't worry, they are not tough. I know it's Friday, after all......Here goes:

Whilst having a conversation yesterday, it occurred to me that I am attracted to the homeless. Their unpredictability. Their general stink. The idea of the undoubted nest of pubic lice they've got running around, promising a gentle ball massage during love making....Yikes! I got it bad, got it bad, got it bad...I'm hot for homeless......Now the question:

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Whenever I hear a Russian with a really bad cough, I feel bad because I know they're probably gonna die soon. When I hear someone from another culture cough, it doesn't worry me so much, but for some reason, I feel like Russians are more prone to deadly viral infections......Now the question:

Is this fear at all rooted in fact, or am I a former communist?

When I was very young, I senselessly bludgeoned a frog to death with a stick. To this day, it's the most violent act I've ever committed. Even though I didn't lay down naked next to the frog's corpse upon completion of the bludgeoning (like some sort of Dahmer youth), the fact that I did something so cold-blooded still haunts me to this day. I mean, I actually really like frogs....Now, the question:

Did I ever tell you about the time I senselessly bludgeoned that frog?

Well, there you go my sweet Fjordsters! Answer these at your leisure. Have a sexy, relaxing and safe weekend and remember that maybe, just maybe, we'll never be able to overcome any of our differences, we'll never "just get along" and the war on terror will never just be a river in Egypt. At the end of the day, isn't that what matters most?


D.T. said...

1) Yes - you were a former Communist. Unfortunately, it is my job to tell you, once a Commie, always a Commie. And from all the propaganda I read as a kid (such as "Better Dead Than Red") I'm worried that you might be endangered from the forces that be. To protect yourself, I'd suggest re-joining the Commie Party, ingratiate yourself- then get a number of no-necked well muscled Commie bodyguards. We wouldn't want to see you in any sort of trouble.

2) Yes. That time when you just told me. I too have a troubling "frog" incident in my past which I won't go into here. Perhaps it's just the frog's lot in life to end up with "troubling" human encounters.

D.T. said...

I'm sorry I didn't pick up on this with my previous comment, but here goes.

Have a sexy, relaxing and safe weekend and remember that maybe, just maybe, we'll never be able to overcome any of our differences, we'll never "just get along" and the war on terror will never just be a river in Egypt. At the end of the day, isn't that what matters most?

Yes, what matters most is to have a sexy relaxing and safe weekend. Gjod that matters...the much...

What's up with you and mouths? You're into river's now? I'll say one thing, you don't descriminate. (course, that's a good thing - variety is the spice o' life. But I ain't gonna have to bust more Fjord-Porn out, am I?)