Friday, June 10, 2005

Friday Enters From Stage Left...

Looking dangerous as hell in a black Fedora and trenchcoat...the tommy gun in his hands doesn't hurt either. He kicks the cat rubbing against his legs. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - stand around a table talking and laughing. Friday interrupts.
"I'm gonna rub ya out, see. Onna' count of those lousy things you did to me and my friends see..."

The four cower back until they're against the brick wall at the far side. The perfect backdrop for the execution!

***and now a few special thanks for those who made Friday possible***

(15 second musical interlude...)

Ladies and gentlemen, a warm round of applause for...THE SUN! Yes, that huge glowing yellow bastard did it again...just like he's been doing for 6 billion years...showing up, warming the planet - providing light...and that whole photosynthisis thing! (that is a nice trick!) And who could forget HOT WATER! Man that shower earlier today woula' really sucked without our pal Hot. And clean (and you all know I mean "really clean" ) dishes? No way! Come on now, give it up for HOT WATER! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! ...That's better. Now, let's not overlook our good -- nay great friend, MATTER! Damn, honest...and we mean this from the bottom of our tiny black hearts. We just don't know where we'd be without you! And last, but not least, FJORDS! After all the gossip, and rumors, and innuendo, and scandals and 47 indictments handed down by the World're still out there, day in and day out and still the sexiest landmass on any planet we know! Thank you, and good night.

What's that?
You want to know how it ends?
Oh. I dunno if I can, ahem, contractually tell you.
But tune in next week and find out! I will say this tho, there's a LOT of gunfire, a LOT of bloody corpses, and a lot of classy dames in eveningwear that shows off a LOT of well- shaped gams.

Happy Friday.

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