Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tuesday- not the beginning of the end, but something something something...

So lately, I've been hoping this is all a phase...

Like, youknow, Picasso went thru his "blue" period, Ford went thru his "horseless carriage" moment, and the Beatles left their happy-go-lucky rockabilly period into that crazy drug-thingie.

For the last hour, I've been staring at my change jar. It's a collection of dimes and nickels, since I separate quarters for the laundry, and pennies go to their own separate hell, seeings how they ain't worth nothin'. Since lately I've been uninspired, I'm thinking this might be the beginnings of my new phase.

My options are laid out thusly...
1) I take a goodly amount of coin and put it into a nice well-stitched sock. I knot the sock, creating a home-made functioning sap. Then, I take that ratty pillow-case I got, and make a big face-covering mask. And tomorrow (or sometime in the near future) I become a full-bore mugger.

2) I take my coin jar down to the convert-O-change machine, get all the money together, and buy lotto tickets. While it might be a good way to loose the change I've built up over the last year, it could hit big!

3) A combination of 1 and 3

Either one is probably enough to really impact the next couple of days.

1 comment:

D.T. said...

God-Gjod Hash! Thanks for the 4-1-1 My typo could seriously, it could seriously have been the most profound typo of my entire LIFE!

I can only say, I now change my choices to 1, 2 or a combination of both.

Good thing I didn't make up my mind before reading the comments!