Thursday, June 30, 2005

Thursday: Various Cries For Attention

1) Nearby Department Store: a)shoes, "BUY ME" b)shirts, "NO BUY ME!" C)Pants, "C'MON YOUR PANTS SUCK, BUY ME AND MY PAL!"
(okay pants, you win this round)
2)Bank: "Put money in me."
(I did, it was payday after all)
3)Wallet: "Take money from bank, PUT MONEY IN ME!"
(yes-I will)
4)Homeless Guy: "Give your money to me"
(no, sorry)
5)Sexy girl on the train: "Look at me dry-humping my less sexy friend during your commute."
(yes, but in my defense, I was bored and it was better than nothing)
6)Drug Store: "Buy beer from me."
7)Beer: "DRINK ME!"
(maybe later, there's some things I want to do first)
8)Fjordborg's Truck: "Move Me!"
(sigh...all right, it is street cleaning day)
9)Calendar: "Change My Month!"
(I dunno...)
10)Clothes Pile: "FOLD US."
(not a chance)
11)Linoleum Floor: "For Gjod's Sake SCRUB ME!"
(floor, I've been telling you this for two weeks - maybe if I get around to it, after the dishes get washed! Dishes, don't even START)
12)Socks: "We've been on your feer for 11 hours, take us off!"
(okay, after blogging)
13)Feer: "Please, do what they ask!"
(hang in there little troopers)
14)Junkmail: a)"Join Scientology!" b)"YOU ARE PRE-APPROVED!"
(Umm, NO and NO)
15)Comfortable Chair: "SIT ON ME."
(your offer is quite tempting)
(your offer is not as tempting as the chair. But I'll get around to it after 12,13,7,and possibly 11. have I mentioned lately I hate you Record-O-Phone?)

Is it just me, or is the world getting alot more pushy in its cries for attention?

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