Friday, February 03, 2006

Zombie Vs Mummy

Today in conversation, I brought up the question, which is more troubling as a foe. A zombie, or a mummy.

Now, I've taken zombies quite seriously over the last year. Infact, coming up with a
Zombie Action Plan - but this mummy business is troubling. The reason it's troubling is that you don't really know what a mummy's powers are. I mean, we all know they've got wraps of flammable cloth, and groan a bit, kinda like zombies. At least we know zombies just want to eat your brain, and are basically unstoppable killing machines - altho quite slow. Mummies, you just don't quite know what they want...but if they get it, it's probably bad for you and your immortal soul. (if you believe in that sort of thing) Mummies also have this sort of super-natural element to them, which makes me think they might, infact, be the more lethal foe. Since we know they're immortal, and we know that strange and mystical rites were inscribed and performed over their crypts...I'm just under the impression that they've got some magic powers under dem wraps, and I, as a normal humanid, don't quite have the protection I need from magic powers wielded by mummies.

Well, that's what's been knocking around my brain, and I had to get it out. Perhaps you've got some informational tidbits to pass my way?


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