Thursday, February 02, 2006

the radioman says "it's a beautiful night out there"

And he'd be right. I'd like to invite all of you out to L.A. for the last 10 minutes of this sunset - cause it's horrifically beautiful.

Instead, I've got some news about

"When the 10-men crew heard shots in the night most of them locked themselves in their cabins but the captain and chief officer were later found shot dead."

- note to self: When under Pirate attack, lock self in cabin.

Now then, in a tangentially related nautical theme, there's
this killa' place that has a list of islands you can buy!

- note to self: Buy tropical island.

Okay Fjordians, I'm off to accomplish tasks, manipulate mechanisms, drink liquids, and achieve great renown.
What'er you doin'?

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