Saturday, February 11, 2006

Another few items

The other day I was noticing my bag was starting to get a little ratty - so I wandered around some places...browsing, as it were.
This Place had some pretty cool stuff.
Also cool gear here. (tho you have to move about three pages in to find stuff.)

Just as a side note. It's funny that a tough bag starts wearing out after five years, but humans can live up to (what's it now...110?) I rarely think of myself as "durable," but I've probably gone through at least 15 separate bags (of various quality) in my lifetime. I also plan to keep functioning longer than every single car you saw today.

On a different note. Researchers have come up with a nano-particled surface that AUTOMATICALLY CLEANS YOUR BATHROOM!

Altho, in another side note. I'm already developing ideas on how to use this technology for evil.


D.T. said...

If only yer hyperlink would work...I'm sure I would regret using the word "bag" without a lot of horrible "inside" jokes, or some sort of disclaimer.

But thanks for playing!

D.T. said...

YES! Would you like to give a review of yer fine bag?