Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Short. Month.

Seven days left to conclude your business in February.

This makes me speculate...exactly what my goals in February were.

I've mentioned
before - lists are powerful creatures...and I, am a list maker. Part of this rolls from my compulsive writing down of ideas that I find amusing. Lemme tell ya, if you come up with something - write it down! If you don't, odds are you'll find yourself next to an attractive and charming "other" in the line at the local food court, who, eschewing all reason decides to strike up a conversation with you.
"Did you see last weeks "Desperate Housewives?"
They'll ask, and you'll be tripping all over your brain to find the neurons that will tell you that you did or didn't. Then, coming up with a suitable response, you'll respond with the most appropriate inflections...yea or nea is unimportant, the important part is keeping the conversation alive with the charming other.
And, having continued the conversation (in defiance of all odds) through the line, past the order-taker, and next-to the soda fountain, you'll astound yourself by asking the attractive and charming other's name. Whereupon, they'll reply some unusual and perfect name, and in between spending the time being charming yourself - you'll be saying their name over and over "Dashiell" or "Alicia" or "Estavan" or "Samantha" so that you won't forget because THIS COULD BE THE ONE!

Of course it isn't, and as soon as they get their Arby's "western-style" combo - they're gone, and you're hoping you can remember their name in case you meet at the food court again. Which of course you won't, and now, you've forgotten your idea. I KNOW THIS! And that's why I write things down.

So anyways - I also have lists. Let's look over one and see...
1) Finish Script -- Ah! One down. Altho, finish is verrrrrry subjective.
2) Pay phone bill -- Not bad - I'm two for two.
3) Heater? -- unfortunately, sometimes I write things down with no context. I don't know what this one means. -- draw.
4) Shelf Space -- Okay, this is important, and I've tried to make it happen, but what space I've gained, I've promptly filled with other crap lying around. -- So...that's a No.
5) Cross-Bread a possum with a lobster. -- This is one of those ideas I had that I thought would be funny, and I didn't have any where else to write it. But, it's on the list and I didn't even try and acquire a possum. -- Another no.
6) (oh this is rich) Live Better -- Good Gjod, who actually writes that on a list. -- No.
7) Junk Junk - Okay, this is something I've been doing for about two weeks, but I still look around and see junk. This might get a check-mark next to it for "in progress" but... --No.
8) Buy new Voodoo dolls. -- I needed to do this last month, but I've still blown it off. --No.
9) Bake cookies for the neighbor kids. -- First time I saw this, since I wrote it, and it scares me. No idea what was in my head here, and happy I didn't. -- No. (and it's crossed off as of now!)
10) Legally Change Name to "Johnny Verdugo" -- No. Altho, in my defense, there were quite a lot of forces working against me on this one. Let me just ask you this. Wouldn't you feel just a little bit better knowing Johnny Verdugo was out there, somewhere?

Hope yer doing better on your lists than I am.


1 comment:

D.T. said...

Jeesh - you married guys got all the answers, don'tcha.

P.S. - Well Done Sir!

(if ya get my drift...)