Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Well now...this is interesting

Anonymous is an interesting sounding group, and here's a little youtube vid that they released as some kind of mission statement. Warren Ellis picked up a thread on this and spoke about how this message had both purpose and threat within it. It's true, their message is not touchy-feely, and maybe that's a message that will be picked up by more social-action groups. I certainly remember the 2000 Democratic Convention in L.A., when I went down to the protest area, I remember thinking, "The problem with these protesters is their poor sense of fashion." It's not what you're doing, but how you look doing it, I suppose would be a nice way to put it, it's also nice to have people a little worried at how powerful you are, and what you might be capable of.

Well, enjoy!

Tomorrow, PUPPIES!

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