Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today!

It's been a busy week fer yer 'ole pal Tsunami so far, and I can't exactly pin down which of the two possible reasons it might be. ONE, is that with the coming of the New Yar, I have actually begun making changes and acting on my resolutions (err, which so far is to pay attention to, and actually do things on my list) which is making me a more dynamic and action-packed Tsunami. Or TWO...I have actually done so little in the last two months, and let so many things slid off to the side that in order to even maintain a semblance of a resemblance to a life the "normals" would consider even semi-disreputable, a few days of herculean housework and organization is in the cards.

I'm pulling for #1, but I think we all can guess the real answer.

Anyhoo, what about you? How ya doin!? Now that the holidaze are over, gots any huge plans? I mean there's a clean slate in '09, and we shouldn't let that go to waste now, should we?

oh, incase you missed it last year, here's this cool TIGER ATTACK!

Yeah, so, umm, "Watch Out For Tiger Attack" will be our unofficial catchphrase for '09 until we get something better...altho I wouldn't mind "Beware of Surprise" if that's what you guys prefer.

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