Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Casa Aloha! "Now With Free New Paint Smell!"

If I was one of those more pro-style bloggers, I'd have a post all typed up, or at least thunk about before this little night was, well, night. And if I was one of those more pro-style bloggers, I'd have a crack team of other bloggers to make sure that before you knew it, there would be a buncha posts in this space and you wouldn't even know I was missing. And if I was one of those more pro-style bloggers, I'd have a buncha' ads up paying me a few cents every now-and-then so it wouldn't feel like this was all err, "passion-based" content. I could come sauntering over to my compooter dressed in silk P.J.'s and (with their sexily checkered collar folded over the collar of a) plush robe, carrying a martini-glass full of something yummy whilst I said over to my shoulder to the scantily-clad sex kitten making Vargas poses on my bedspread,
"Just a moment dear, I've got to get some work done today."

But while I may have a couple of Dean Martin records on the itunes, I did just put in a nasty day down at the Casa Aloha H.Q., have to do some tidying up around is joint (since the undocumented workers the Landscape-and-Maintenance Department sent in, proceeded to knock over a mess of tiki-torches, break three glass tables, and figured it would be a good idea to paint the bar three hours before opening...I guess it's an '08 thing.)
anyways, please try not to mind the fans, we're working on getting some space heaters...I'm sure it's going to be a great night! Come on down!

Anyways, for your consideration, I'd like to throw out a few conversation starters that might generate tangents that you might not expect.
1) Relating funny news stories about people who die.
2) Explaining the various ways of how the listener's job sucks.
3) Asking, and then demanding forcefully, to know when, how, and where people first had sex, and with whom!

Well, with that, I'm off. I'd like to personally thank readers Rhino and WyomingMad for their nice comments...since I'm still not one of those pro-style bloggers, and basically shoot this shit into the webmonster because I can.


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