Friday, March 10, 2006


"Which way?" Asked Tuesday. He was standing on a landing that looked out at a bewildering array of staircases - going up, down, sideways, an Escher creation.

Wednesday climbed the last two stairs, and emerged on another landing thirty-five feet above Tuesday. He was, paradoxically, standing directly above Tuesday, looking down at him (or was he looking up?) but apart from the slight vertigo the scene induced, he felt quite happily nailed to his landing by gravity.
"Not the one to the right!" He put his hand on the banister, and found it was made out of hard plastic. He decided for a minute or two, he'd just hold onto it.

"Don't try the one on the left either." Said Thursday, who, was across on another landing fifty feet away, but facing them like a small wall. Wednesday was happy he had a hold of the banister, the effect of someone standing on a ceiling and wall, was a touch discombobulating. He looked up and off to the right, and watched Monday trudge down a staircase, and then up another. The way the place was constructed, it appeared as though he moved both closer, and farther away as various seconds passed.
"I think you're going the wrong way." Wednesday shouted with a small echo.
"Fuck you." Replied Monday, who kept walking.

"Hang on a second!" Thursday yelled across the space to Wednesday.
"No problem!" Wednesday shouted back, still holding the banister.
Thursday took a few steps back, took off in a sprint, and leapt.

It was a good jump - like an Olympic long jump kinda effort. Thursday rose off the landing five feet - six, nearly seven right across the divide towards Thursday...then gravity pulled him back down in a tumble.
"Ow." He mumbled.

Monday (who was now much closer) spoke from a landing not far off. "So who's bright idea was it, again, to split up?"
"Hey!" Interrupted Tuesday, "I think I see something." He pointed off at a distant landing. Wednesday, the staircase to your left goes to a landing. It looks like this one at my feet goes there too! Thursday - take the one that leads straight down. We should be able to meet up!"

"What about me?!!?" Monday fumed - looking both down and sideways at his co-weekdays.
"Hang on, and we'll figure out where you're at once we're together. Now let's go!"

They all moved down their allotted staircases, heading for the same landing. However, through whatever strange physics or spells that ruled this place, they all merely switched positions! Wednesday was on the wall-side, Tuesday and Thursday looked up and down at each other.
"Fuck!" Shouted Tuesday.
Monday cracked up. "Man, welcome to Mindfucktown! Population you guys! Ha - HA! Heheheee!"

Then the lights went out.
Somebody said, "Fuck." (probly more than one.)

Moments passed in darkness. The sound of leathery wings fluttered past their ears. After a few minutes Monday said.
"Thursday? Wednesday? Tuesday?"
"Yeah." Said Thursday.
"Here." Said Weds.
"Still alive." Finished Tuesday.
"Okay, well, that's good." Monday said, and he sat down in the darkness, on the last step of a staircase.

Minutes and hours or seconds passed. Occasionally, one would say something to reassure himself that his companions were still there. Then, from far off, a small light appeared. They all watched it, since nothing else could be seen. Then it disappeared.

"Did you see that?" Asked Wednesday.
"Of course. We're in darkness, not blind." Huffed Monday.
"What was it?" Said Tuesday.
"A fucking light." Thursday replied testily.

The light reappeared, moving closer...then disappearing for another moment. Then it emerged behind a staircase, and moved up towards Monday. It was about fifteen feet away when Monday spoke out to his colleagues.
"Hey guys, if something happens to me, I've got some awesome steaks in my fridge at home. Hate to see them wasted." Then the light blinded him, he threw his arm up over his face, and was overcome.

After a few seconds, his eyes adjusted, and saw Friday - attired as a spelunker, with a powerful light on his hard-hat. He had already opened a flask, and shoved a bit of libation down his throat. Monday coughed, and backed away.
"Okay, okay! I get it. Geesh!" He said as he backed away. What's the plan?

Friday looked over, flashing his head-light on Monday's face again,
"Round up the rest of you mugs." And with that, moved off. Monday followed close, then tripped on a rope that was dragging from Friday's belt. He fell hard, but Friday didn't slow. He sprang back up, and raced after. By the time he had caught up, they were on Thursday's landing.
"Hi Thursday." Friday said. "Follow along."

Thursday and Monday were close at his heels, and in short order they collected Tuesday, and finally got to Wednesday's landing.
"Hey. what the fuck Friday?" Asked Wednesday, "What's the deal with this place? There's no up or down or left or right. It's confusing as hell!"
"Why is it so dark?" Said Tuesday.
"And what's the deal with the rope?!" Added Monday, still rubbing sore spots from his fall.

"Okay, look." Said Friday, casting his blindingly bright headlamp in each of the weekdays faces. "I'm only going to say this once. Sometimes you guys get going around in circles, and that's all you see. That's why I come along, to end this nonsense. It's dark, because when you're confused, sometimes you just have to shut some stimuli off, otherwise you'll just tire yourself out."

"You turned off the lights!?!" Shouted Tuesday.
"You bet. Otherwise rounding you all up would have been twice as hard. Now, I imagine you've all heard the legend of the labyrinth?"
"Yeah." They all answered sheepishly.
"Well, we follow this rope, and we'll shortly be where I tied the end of it."
"Where's that?" Asked Thursday.

"A bar-b-que I was invited to. Brats, beer, marshmallows...yaknow, good times. So, you wanna...?"

"Yeah, screw this - I'm up for grillin'!" Said Wednesday. The others enthusiastically agreed.
"Then, if there's nothing else...follow me."

Happy Friday.

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