Friday, April 21, 2006

Are we really there?


Over the snow on the screen, a line of text appears in red. It reads:

White numbers appear in the corner. Someone must be using a remote.


A massive three masted yacht races through deep blue waters. It's sails gleam blinding white, unfurled in the late South Pacific sun. The weekdays have gathered around Friday, who rests one arm on a huge wooden steering wheel, near the stern.

"I've heard," begins Friday, "Advances in medical technology are going to prolong the human life by a shocking degree."

The other weekdays nod in agreement - they read the webmonster too.
"But, why exactly? To what end?" He's interrupted by a crewman dressed in the most typecast of sailing-boat crewman uniform - a white cap, striped white and blue crew-neck long-sleeve shirt. and white pants. He holds a tray of fruity looking drinks. Huge chunks of pineapple and oranges are skewered by tiny umbrellas. He places them in eager hands.

"Friday," Monday speaks after a sip, and smacking his lips. "They're afraid. You can't blame 'em for wanting to avoid it."
"Right!" Exclaims Friday. "But, who's to say that by living longer, they'll have more fun?"
"Where there's life, there's hope." Says Wednesday hopefully.

"On a scale of super fun times," Friday pauses for a drink, and moves the wheel a few pegs to the right. (moving the boat to the left) "You can remember what, five? Eight? Ten?"

The weekdays adopt introspective looks as they try and recall the best of the best times. Around the bow of the yacht, a number of dolphins break the surface, and race the boat.

"You might be right." Says Monday.
"Yeah...maybe nine." Thursday adds.
"Well, consider this..." Friday continues, "You're immortal! If you cut a normal human's life down to its most exciting and fun, 98 percent would be gone! Do you think adding an extra ten-or twenty years is really going to give them an extra scene of really super good times?"

"Sad to say, but I'd have to say, nope." Said Thursday.
"Probably not." Monday growled.

Friday's face looked satisfied, as if he'd proven his point. He stared off at the horizon, over leaping dolphins and the slowly setting sun. The sound of gently pounding waves on the hull, was broken by Tuesday.

"I remember this one time. I'd been having a bad run of luck, and apart from you guys..." He holds his drink up in acknowledgement, "There was nothing but hell, along with one fucked up situation after another. I could see the few good people who did stick around, couldn't help, even if they wanted to."

"What are you getting at?" Says Wednesday, "I think we know what you're talking about." He points a thumb to his huge humped-back in a "you think you've got it bad?" gesture.

Tuesday looks at his gathered colleagues. "After an eternity of waiting, I bumped into someone who made all the difference. Someone who changed everything from something to endure, to something to live for. It wasn't just what I wanted, it was more than that. It was better than perfect."

Tuesday's words drifted away in the wind. The other weekdays went back into their minds, finding something similar in their own experiences. Each re-lived, for a moment, times that had long been forgotten. Sly and inside grins began to form on their faces, as they lost themselves in memory.

"That's all I'm saying." Tuesday began, "Sometimes you just have to hold out a bit longer, before something so good shows up, that it changes everything."

"Hell yeah!" Thursday exclaims.
"Yep, right on that one." Monday speaks, then takes a sip of his drink.

"So," Tuesday begins, addressing his words at Friday, "I think that's why they want to keep going, and adding years to their lives. There still might be someone or something that will change everything. A year, maybe two or ten. Extra time, is extra time for it to finally come together, and make everything right."

Friday looked over.
"You're right. I'm wrong. I never thought to see it from that angle." He turned the wheel in his hands, and yelled to the crew.
"Ship sails!"

Various striped-shirted crewmen ran around rolling cranks, and pulling lines. The yacht slowed, gliding into a coral bay of a beautiful tropical island. From the shore huge canoes were launched, shirtless men rhythmically dug paddles into the water, propelling them into the bay. The sun was now a huge orange ball on the right of the horizon. Behind the beach, bonfires were lit, illuminating bamboo huts, and women swaying like waves in grass skirts.

"It's true," Said Friday, "You need patience, to wait for the right moment to arrive."
Huge canoes bumped against the hull of the yacht. Islanders gestured for the weekdays to disembark into empty seats in the canoes.
"But you also have to know when the moment is upon you, and act on it."
He finished the rest of his drink in a huge swallow, then threw it into the ocean.

Friday watched it sink under the gentle waves, and spoke two words.
"We're here."

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

rhinoceros said...

so, the chills are up there, whats at the summit of your musical peak?