Friday, September 16, 2005

Holy Jeebus!!!!!!!!!!

As I pull myself away from my cockroach killing game (which rarely happens at the Casa...since I'm a lethal roach-killer, but methinks the nextdoor neighbors are evicted, and their nest/problem is leaking into my home) which sofar has netted me 23 confirmed kills and one "possible" (not counting last nights harvest)

however, I wanted to post about another numbers game...the FJORD NUMBERS!

As I write this, we are only two unique visitors away from 5,000!
Let me explain in layman's terms.
When you visit our site, you are registered as a "visitor," however, this also counts as a "hit"
which = 1/1
However, if you read more than one page of our fine mag, you are credited with 1 extra hit per page. So if you read three pages of our "Fjordian Goop"(tm) you would be listed as 1/3 (visits/hits) Also if you click on a link, that also (as I understand it...also...sorry for all the ellipses) counts as an extra "hit." So as we speak there have been...OOOP..somebody joined in...4,999 unique visitors to FJORD, who have generated (as of right now 10:04 PST 9-16-05) 11,792 hits. Which means that usually when someone jumps to Fjord, they read at least one page, or follows a link to somewhere else. Anyways, I wanted to say that I've consulted with Chinese and European Astrologers, as well as Gypsy "taro card" readers, and numerous Fjord-dwellers ( be honest, dubious powers beyond cutting down Fjord grass and possessing great fishing skills...I've already apologized for the ellipses haven't I?) and they all agree...if you're the 5,000th visitor to Fjord you will be blessed with many children and unbelievable financial fortune.

Well, from the bottom of my tiny black heart, I really, really hope it's you!


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