Thursday, September 15, 2005

Armies of 'em.

I'm going to have to do sommore thinking about this robot action plan.

I know you know I know
they're coming.

But will they be human-sized killing machines - or will they be so
insidiously small - as to be impossible to detect? Or just blundering car-bots?

Either way, I'll be on the lookout for handy robot-killing tips and items to add to your go-bag or manpurse. Meanwhile, I wasn't able to find much on ther internets that will be of much help - however, the
Rogue Retrieval website might give you some comfjort.

I really hope there's a pirate story or two coming down the pike, cause this robot thing (while nobody's saying isn't useful or interesting) is getting a little stale. Oh wait!
Here's's kinda' dry though.
Hang on a sec...joint air patrols...two patrols a week...strait is one of the world's busiest sea lanes, carrying half its oil and a quarter of its commerce...becoming increasingly notorious for pirates, and 27 pirate attacks were reported last year.

And they're just now patrolling it by air? Fer crap's sake, am I going to have to come up with a Pirate Action Plan for maritime shipping now too? HELLO INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY! I HAVE A FUCKING DAY JOB!

mumble grumble elected mumble representatives grumble...pull their heads out of their asses for one frikken grumble...

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