Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Just dashing in...

For those of you who watch the news frequently, you've probably seen the video a stringer got of about 15 Sheriff's Deputies shooting at an SUV they cornered on a residential street. (For those of you who don't, you can read about it here.)

Anyways, I'm not saying "who-started-what" or "who-shot-who" or "what stray bullet went into which nearby home" 'cause in the thick of things, stuff gets confusing. But clearly we should be told who is training Sheriff's Deputies in California. They surrounded the truck, then opened fire -in total 120 rounds (in about 6 or 8 seconds). Bullets were, as they say, pretty thick. And they hit the guy 4 times! 120 shots?!!? Okay, that's just atrocious aim. (As a product of public skools, I'm just not equipped to do the math with any degree of certainty, but I think it's around 3 percent accuracy.)

That's pretty lousy. I mean, if they were chasing terrorists, or a supervillain - the city'd be a gaping hole right now. Heck, if they were pro-ballplayers they...they usually cut guys who bat under 20% - fuck, they'd never make a minor league team in any sport. You see what I'm saying...? These guys should all be cut, for lack of proficiency with their sidearms.



Umm, this didn't by any chance...happen down the street from the Coochie Coochie?
And yeah, 3.33%..pretty good for a public school grad.


D.T. said...

Hey Doll - thanks for the math-check...probly from now on I'll just ask you to do the math.

And no, this didn't happen outside the Coochie...and if it did, I'd have been inside my bulletproof bathtub so fast it would'a made your head spin.

Q - dead-on, as always, dead-on.