Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'll Be Your Stud-Muffin, Baby!

Of course, this is the pickup line of the Man named Gevork G. Azatrayan! (the name has been slightly changed to protect the innocent (and this blog) from a random "google" search.

Perennial med-student, owner of a 1997 Lexus (leased-with his parent's money), nightly club-goer with plenty of bling...and rarely, if ever, really lucky. In fact, most of his success can be attributed to either a) his parents/family or b) the fact that he keeps his friends well lubricated with quasi-legal hormones thru his med-skool contacts and/or cheap rent from various (and shadily financed) properties thru (a) he is associated.

A name I came across during my daily routine, and it struck me as...slightly odd. In my line of work, I come across a lot of strange, unusual, cool, and bizarre names. Sometimes I write them down.

More often I think about the power that names lend to the people that own them. I feel most of the time that people own names, just as much as names own people. Like, a long time ago, I found "Lonnie Godbolt," and Gjod did that make me wonder about the fellow that owned that one. Like, to everyone he introduced himself to, he was just plain unassuming humble "Lonnie." When infact, in the basement arsenal of his soul...he was GODBOLT! (Clearly, a man to be trifled with - At Your Peril!)

(saaaay, "Peril" might be an excellent heroine's last name, no? Ahh right - probly been done.)

Anyways, incase you stumble upon something unusual in your work-a-day world, drop us a line and share with the class!

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