Friday, April 04, 2008

Just A Friday Video Bonus!

If you don't read "Danger Room" (one of wired's mil-blogs) they've done a series of crazy posts about how to (in real life) stop a 600 foot cloverfield/godzilla monster, how to stop a terminator robot, and this last one how to survive a zombie apocalypse. (if you follow the last link, links to the other stories are at the bottom.) The comments are fjucking great and totally worth exploring...people have great real world ideas, even tho some get way too tech for a guy like me who don't know dick about ammo and military-type specs. Anyhoo from that post, I got this vid, which is exactly what you want from a "non-made-up-threat-to-your-gjoddang-immortal-soul...which you already know are the mummies."

Anyhoo - hopefully you've already armed yourself against the inevitable, and we can move on to more fun stuff. Like this song I heard the other day, and thought, what the fjuck is that song. Fortunately Fjord Borg came up with the answer.
(The vid might not be the keenest, but the audio is pretty right in the pocket)

And finally, this yummy little chunk of goodness from back in the day...

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