Saturday, December 30, 2006

It's a matter of honor...

Continuing our efforts to put the world in a more
Fjordian perspective...

By now you've heard/read/seen that Saddam was executed Saturday. As a follower of world events for the past...ooh I dunno, two decades, I have no real personal opinion on the matter. But there is one small, and overlooked item from 2002 that I think is relevant.

Saddam Challenges George Bush to a Duel.

"The American president should specify a group, and we will specify a group and choose neutral ground with Kofi Annan as referee and use one weapon with a president against a president, a vice-president against a vice-president, and a minister against a minister in a duel."

The White House responded

Mr Bush's spokesman Ari Fleischer rejected the idea saying, "there can be no serious response to an irresponsible statement like that".

Well, I could think of one serious response that would make for some AWESOME teevee.

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