Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I Chainsawed Frankenstein!

I have something written down on a piece of paper that I don't understand.

It's not that I don't understand my own handwriting, or get what the words's just the context...I'm just not sure what I was shooting for. The words (on a small post-it note, which appears to be reasonably "fresh" - so it was written not so long ago) read simply,

"I chainsaw Frankenstein"

I'm not about to suggest that Frankenstein didn't have it coming - I mean, while the movies play him up as a misunderstood monster who just wants to be loved, or left alone, or...allowed in arm-wrestling tournaments - that's the movies.

In real life, if you were to turn around a corner and end up face-to-face with Frankenstein, he'd probably rip off your arms, and proceed to eat your children. He's an inhuman monster made up of cobbled together re-animated corpse-parts! He's not just inhuman, he's like...reheated-un-life. I bet he doesn't even like bunnies! Cute little bunnies.

So, faced with this unpleasant reality, I'm under the impression that coming face-to-face with Frankenstein, the most effective weapon might just be a chainsaw. Certainly a pistol wouldn't really help, an assault rifle might (if you're lucky) take off a leg before you ran out of ammo - giving you time to escape. I doubt an axe would be much use against him, since you'd have to get really close to use it, and he could certainly take a blow or two, before grabbing it out of your hands. Maybe, just maybe, a harpoon gun could affix Frankenstein to a handy nearby telephone pole, but it wouldn't stop him for long. But a chainsaw would do some serious damage if he tried to grab it out of your hands. Lop off a hand here, an arm there, and pretty soon, you've got yourself a (watch out for that slooooow kick - he's got hobnailed boots!) reasonably harmless Frankenstein that you can carve up at your leisure.

Well, all this speculation has opened up a few windows (for me) into my mentality for writing those words. And, at the moment my best bet is...

I was jealous of the title of the movie/book, "I shot Andy Warhol" Which is not only a great title, but an amazing boast. I mean, top that one? Not sure if I could. But, right after those words were spoken/bragged, someone said, "Yeah? I chainsawed Frankenstein."

Might be enough to make a crowd wonder, "what's a more dangerous foe to your mortal life, Andy Warhol or Frankenstein."


D.T. said...

"Prefectly Deadly Foe."

I like the sound of that. Thanks.

D.T. said...



You punked me with the 2006 countdown business, now this!?!

damn you Hashbrown!
damn you to hell!

You should have a blog of your own.