Monday, May 23, 2011

Sorry it's taken so long...

But there's quite a bit that I've had to tune in...

Before transmissions commence - there is this nice little ditty that came from the BBC.

(It's eveidence of what might be the first war ever...probly not, but, um, it's on!)

And before this actually becomes something, I'd like to thank the Beeb, for being an online preseance that for all this time, still supports it's archives. I'm a little pissed at how many of my youtube vids have been rendered inoperable to the most attractive of blog readers...but we can't get stuck in the past - no! No! Know! We have to move forward into the digital frontier - and it don't look like twitter or facebook, it's not updates, or 120 character posts, it looks like paragraphs, and sentences and text bullshit that actually means something.

Since my chops ain't quite up to speed yet...lemme drop you one that is.

Here's a great little bit about space suits.

As per always:

Thanks for swingin' by.

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