Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I probably haven't mentioned my love of curses. The Stephen King movie "Thinner" is a good use of such a device, just for an example. In my daily wanderings I decided that to be a very potent curse, it must be something small enough to (at first) barely get under your (or better yet, your victim's) skin. Something they can laugh off, at first.

But then over time, it would grow more and more maddening, until it either drove you (or better yet, your victim) over the brink into madness. It was about this time I walked down a sidewalk that for a few weeks, had a small cloud of flies hovering over a particular section of it. By small I mean, 15 or 20 bugs in total, and all sort of hovering around in that way that flies do, not even a tangible "thing" as they'd part for any humanid walking through them. And that's where I got my idea for my curse.

Flies, would be what I'd call it, and it would be a small cloud of 20 flies buzzing around the victim's head. It obeys my one simple curse rule, to be small enough at first to be laughable.

However, it's potency would soon become apparent. Eating in restaurants is out. Eating at home is disgusting. Girlfriends are out. Keeping a job is out. Parties are out. Sleeping would be awful, not to mention waking up. How can you possibly be stoic enough to overcome the crazy-weird looks you'd get from everyone everywhere with a swarm of flies buzzing around your head. Not to mention the incessant sound of fly-wings in your ears that would slowly replace the sounds of humanity, as all the people you knew started to drift away, either from sheer pettiness, ("You hang around that dude with FLIES!?!") or from sheer disgust. ("Well, we had wine on the patio since I thought it'd be okay with his flies outside. But right as I had a sip from my glass, a fly dropped in the wine, and Oh My God I drank it! Never again I tells ya...never again.)

So that's my idea for a curse. Hope you liked it.

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