Thursday, January 05, 2006

It's January 5th

And it's 81 degreezzze in the Casa Aloha kitchen and I'm sitting in a pool of sun. Things seem okay.

Now then, for the last couple of days I've been trying to get my head around what 06 is going to be all about. I've written down a few ideas about what I've removed from the list of things 06 is going to be.
1) Lemmings. - I predict they will not make a comeback in 06-
2) Dirt. - People will often remark, "What happened to all the dirt?" The reply will be "That's so '05, man."
3) Houseplants. -Home and Garden stores will have a very bad fiscal year.
4) Popes. -Try as he might, Ratzinger will only be relevant if he breaks his pelvis. (or worse)
5) Pennies. -Continuing their trend, pennies will continue to be taken out of circulation, tossed on the ground, and perceived as being "worthless."
6) Stamps. -One more gov'ment sponsored program that '06 won't be about. Despite the fact that I predict the 37 cent stamp is soon to be obsolete, and this will probably be "news."
7) Pigeons. -Sure they've had a pretty good run up till now, but this year, there's gonna be hell to pay...a holocaust of pigeon-ous proportions.
8) Sponges. -That's right, I'm there will be a new miracle product that will knock sponges off the "top ranked re-usable scrubbing and wiping product" forever. People in ten years will not even know how to pronounce the word, "sponge."
9) American Idol. -Gjod, I only hope so.
10) Sharks. -Sharks had a pretty good run last year, before all the hurricane news and whatnot, but I'm pretty sure they can't sustain that kind of media push this year. I predict Giant Squid are going to take their place. And, if you know me at all, you know that I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Gee Riggs,
The more I read your blog, the more I laugh. I like your predictions for 2006.

D.T. said...

Yep! There's one place the laughter didn't die in 06...