Sunday, January 01, 2006


Don't look back. You might become some cow's salt-lick.

It's 06 and soon to be the year of the dog. And guess what...I'm a dog.

My year, bitches.

I woke up in a strange house this morning, on a couch. The last thing I remember from the night before, was a fine looking woman taking off my shoes. At the time I thought she was being awfully sweet, but in hindsight, I'm sure she was just pissed at some drunk putting his shoes on her couch. Either way, I woke up, with a blanket on me, and needed to piss. I hit the can, and found Fjord-Borg lurking about the kitchen. It was too early for any reasonable person to be up. We called for a cab. Before it came, I found a paper plate and pulled a handy pen from my jacket. Then I printed some words on the plate in fairly neat writing. It said,

"Thanks for a wonderful time,
and the quilt.
Happy New Year
Your Guest."

Or something close to that.
The cab came, and it started raining.
Then I watched football all day.
And just a touch of D.I. Creegan
If you haven't seen Touching yerself a favor
and watch some.

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