Saturday, January 07, 2006



It's obvious that channel Fjord can continue to broadcast whatever the fjuck, into whatever the fjuck...but yer pals over at the W.C.B. need a little feedback every now and then. There's a small function under each post called "comments." Just click on that, and yer able to leave whatever kinda' thoughts, ideas, musings, fantasy, or even (*gasp*) critiques you've got. I write into a void nearly every day (I call it my screenwriting career, which incidentally hasn't quite taken off like I've wanted it to) and I don't need this kind of solitude out here in the small cell located somewhere near the skin of the right bicept of the LS-M.

So, hit me up with some Gjoddamn comments!

It's 06 - make a resolution to me more a part of Fjord!
(you're sexy enough, that's obvious...but are you confident enough?)

P.S. -Did any of you (I.C.O.D.F.) ever forward on your fjavorite Fjordposts to three of yer pals? Tell me about it!

1 comment:

D.T. said...


What are you doing that's so damn important!!??