Saturday, July 26, 2008


You'd be doing yourself a favor if you watched this...

...sometimes the innernets is not oppressive...
(this is apparently a theme now...)


rhinoceros said...

hehe - precious beer, oh my, what a waste.

Made up for quite beautifully by the maxim, "Sheep herders, you're in for a treat."

Who is this happy chap?

D.T. said...

Yeah! Who's thinking of the beer!??!

Anyhoo - I agreee the "sheep herders" is a really nice touch - what with all the blood.

This fellow would be Rowdy Roddy Piper (probly some sp issues, but that's in the ballpark) He was a "villian type" in wrestling back in the 80's, and was one of Hulk Hogan's rivals.

A fine chunka' video right there