That, what with the near constant surveillance we've got going on in our modern 21st Century world, that owning a mask might be prudent just to maintain your Gjod-given right to remain anonymous. However, there is something off-putting about masks that instantly gets you lumped into the "crackpot/crazy/bank-robber" faction, that doesn't lend itself to polite society.
Now there's the comedic route, such as the classic "Groucho" glasses/moustache combo such as this...

but c'mon...this has got no style, no panache, no...long-term applications. It's a one-off gag, which explains why you can still buy it for a buck in novelty shops.
No, in bringing this particular theme to your attention, your WCB Fjordian correspondent is well aware that readers of Fjord are the most attractive of all blog readers, and that you also demand that this physical gift be not only acknowledged, but embraced with the style your physical beauty deserves.
"Might as well put Groucho glasses on the Venus Di Milo! " You say, "Funny for a minute, but Gjoddang! We're out here trying to inspire the masses with our astounding good looks, impeccable charm, and being on the cutting edge of looking fantastically glamorous! This won't do! This won't do at all! We have an entire society to transform by our example!"
To which I'd heartily agree. However, I think I may have stumbled upon the answer! Take a gander at THIS!

Yep...stylish, dangerous, and anonymous! And yet...who can lump an affectionado of fencing into the "crackpot/crazy/bank robber" faction? No one! It's a glamorous and elite sport. And, it also looks nice on the ladies!

(apart from the model's dead eyes...but anyhoo...)
I've never been an advocate of the futurists take on the unisex "unitard" as what we're all going to be wearing in the future...but I'd much rather look like this:

Than this...

Just sayin'.
Well, this has been your Fjordian Style Tip for the week. Thanks for swingin' by.
(usual disclaimers for this google-search-image-heavy-post, if one's yers and you don't want it here, lemme know and it'll disappear post-haste)
was it because I already preempted you by guessing your comments:
"We're out here trying to inspire the masses with our astounding good looks, impeccable charm, and being on the cutting edge of looking fantastically glamorous! This won't do! This won't do at all! We have an entire society to transform by our example!"
That you have no comment to this post?
I mean seriously, do you all agreee that we, as attractive and active fashionistas (sp??) will confidently walk into a future where everyone looks like a fencer?
I mean, I think I'm chill wid it, but it's a pretty off-the-path angle from the pamphlet I got when I walked thru the gates of the 21-st century.
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