Monday, July 28, 2008

Here's a small line I did not expect to read today

TERRIFIED workers at a mining compound in one of Russia's most isolated regions are refusing to go to work after a pack of giant bears attacked and ate two of their colleagues.

I guess after that, there really isn't that much to say, is there?

(full story here)


rhinoceros said...

nice, quite honestly I'm still at "Sheep herders, you're in for a treat." hehe

D.T. said...

Rhino, that's been like three-four days now...perhaps you should abscond with this catch-phrase, make it your own, and use it constantly in your daily life.

(I'd actually be really interested to see how that plays in public)

So in regards to this post, I would like to point out it wasn't a pack of was a pack of GIANT bears!