I have now officially ridden this bastard ride from hell, a lot of times...
I will say this for the experience, every orbit is full of a mess of things I didn't foresee comin'. Some great, some good, some bad, some terrifying.
Yet, time is a human construct based totally on our planet's relationship with our star that we have called the Sun. Our pal Rhino has a pretty nice take on it right here. But an orbit of our sun has been broken down into mathematical certainties, tomorrow will be 24 hours, the last day in a 31 day month, that will add up with all the other months into 365 days. (and a tiny remainder we tack on for leap years)
But there is also a point of realization that time is really fjuckin' malleable, and it never means what you think it does. Malleable? Watch two people kissing in public, and suddenly time slows to a stupid crawl. Malleable? Experience time in a car crash, how long do those milliseconds last? Time is a scientific/mechanical/solar measurement that obeys its own objective rules, yet quite apparently has a completely subjective interpretation as you move through those moments.
I've posted a version of this vid before, and I've never liked it that much, such a nice song with such unwatchable visuals...
Nevertheless, the line "one good minute could last me a whole year" is worth hearing.
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