Monday, December 31, 2007
I just saw this over at Look At This, and cried laughing. It starts a little slow...but it's worth it. No more words this year...just this.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Well then...

There's a few ways to look at this thing about to happen tomorrow night, and I'm not going to suggest that any are right, since I've seen more than a few years start and finish like albums (yeah, albums, like the vinyl collection I still posses from the pre-C.D. era, gathering dust from the Los-Angel-eeze atmosphere) with a jerk and a horrible ripping sound like a party coming to an awful end. And I've seen 'em repeat or start anew without even a slight hesitation in the mix. I know a lot about stuff and things, but I'll tell ya the most important thing I know at this moment.
It's all real, and it's all yours. No matter how much you want it to be better, and no matter how much you might pretend, or believe that "this" is a moment of your time that will pass by into another moment that's better (or, of course, worse.) it's something more along the lines of this.
All these moments are yours, and they belong to your experience. It doesn't matter what you think of them, the moments you pass through daily are your stories in the future, when yer trying to be witty (say two years in the future) at a cocktail party populated only with strange people you want to impress.
It's a first here at Fjord that I'm gonna quote Lennon, but I want to, and it seems ap-ro-po.
"Life is what happens when yer making other plans"
We've all gots schemes, and I've probly gots a hundred more than youse (no kids...natch)...and I know some peoples who've gots triple that amount in the works...but try and grab ahold of the idea I'm bringing, that no matter how many you're working on, the important shit is always inbetween the successes or failures of all of 'em, and who you get to share your victories and defeats with.
I'd like to slightly modify a well known statement for the International Community of Devoted Fjordlings, which would be,
"A Minor League Media Demon Is In the Details."
Demons and Devils are always in the details, and they don't have to be bad at all. But they are always there, and always lurking. I just hope yer all paying some attention to them, since sooner or later yer going to have yer life flash before your eyes, and it's going to be a bunch of details that happened while you were making all your plans. And I hope to hell that, that Devil shows you a bunch of stuff that's totally, amazingly, great.
Happy New Yar,
This one always gots to me...
Happy everything.
Friday, December 28, 2007

Now, onto sum quick infomation on what's happnin' with Fridays. I've done a couple of bits on my friend's internet radio station called "Flat Rat Radio" where I do a kickass traffic and weather bit, and it usually absorbs a lotta creative juices whereupon, I don't really feel like telling some new tale of Friday and his band of merry weekdays...umm, on Friday. (There's no show tonite, but check in weekly at 6:00 P.S.T., and you'll hear some good tunes, and me ramblin on about something or other, which will probly be worth yer time.)
Anyhoo, I'm getting better at preparing my Friday bit on Thursday, so maybe if I get clever (not cleaver) I'll start working out a Friday post on Wednesday...but I have to tell yas, it's not entirely likely, unless this new year shit works out in exactly the right way.
But, since we're here now, and there's no show fer me to do, and there's only three djang days's three tasty posts from Friday's past. (They'll probly be worth it...they gots the Tsunami recommendation)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Haha...see in "Fjordian Speak"
Hahahah...well, now that we've laughed at all that, some more sobering news.
here's an interesting take on the ongoing mortgage crisis that's literally fucking the U.S. economy, and will, methinks, pretty much drag us kicking and screaming out of the "Empire Building" business for a while. For those of you who weren't counting, that's 67.6 billion dollars written off...just disappeared, and that was just today. If I was a more adept blogger, I would have been counting since the sub-prime thingymajigger started, but I'm pretty sure were up to a few hundred billion dollars that were just kinda' erased off'n the balance sheets.
I'll finish this one by adding a hearty..."FOUR!"
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Fjord days to the New Yjear!
Is yer slate clean?
Is yer slate so full of crap you'd like to wipe it into the vjoid?
Is yer conscious clean?
Is yer launjdry so dirty you can't even bear to look at it?
Is yer mortal coil ready for another year in this Gjodforsaken (preposterously new) millennium?
Are you drunk enough?
Are you sober enough?
Are you drugged enough?
Are you grounded enough?
Are you supplied with enough to help you get through the beginning of another official "calendar orbit" around our sun?
We, speaking officially from the Casa Aloha...the West Coast Branch of Fjord, are privy to a few lemmy drop it on yas.
1) If you have a clean slate, you've either not been living well, or are near Nirvana, and I hate that band.
2) If you have a slate worth wiping into the void, you probly wanna remember what you lived thru...cause that's the coal life's giving you to make diamonds out of.
3) If you have a conscious, you clearly don't have to worry about it being clean...yer already clean.
4) If you have dirty clothes, you need to realize you're doing better than 60% of the rest of the world, and if you can clean them, yer doing better than 80% of the rest of the world. If you haven't gotten to clean them because yer too busy watching the internets or TiVo, or making the world a better place 'cause yer init, well, yer better than 95% of everybody.
5)You know this as well as I...yer mortal coil is ready for anything that's thrown at it, and it'll be fine.
6)Drunk enough is all a matter of perspective.
7)Sober enough, is a matter of perspective, and willpower.
8)Drugged enough...??? We live in a world of drugs, and if some work for yas, well, good on ya.
9)Grounded? Hah! If you've read anything from Fjord over the last two years and have come back...I'm pretty sure you're grounded as fjuck.
10)You know as well as I, that this new year is just another day. The Sun and the Moon do not use heralds to trumpet in another month, nor another year. Angels and Cherubs do not show up once you've turned another year older. Whatever you've got, will be more than enough to get you the stuff you need to get you thru this next one.
And you know that's all true.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sorry fjord the delay

But like every year, around this time, I'm busy saving Christmas. Yeah, yeah, I hear you asking, "whaddayamean Tsunami??" Well, what I mean, is that since 1997 or so, I've been saving x-mas, and any of your x-mas's since then are because of me! I'm busy right now doing x-actly that, and because of it, I've got no time to blog! So hold your collective breath until I do, (at which time I will probably be enjoying my Christmas- and so will you) and after you've enjoyed a most awesome holiday, maybe you'll think to thank me for providing another seemless Christmas. Probly not, but that's okay. I clearly don't mind sacrificing myself for the greater good.
Happy Holidays,
Saturday, December 15, 2007 continue...
"I get nervous in social situations motha' fucka'"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
We've never crunched the numbers
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Celebrity Quote-Off!

"The average man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than he is in a woman with beautiful legs."

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Just when you thought it was safe...

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Jellyfish Swarm Of 10 Square Miles!!! Holy Crap!
Since it's a yahoo news story, and they sometimes's the juicy bits.
BELFAST (AFP) - Northern Ireland's only salmon farm was completely wiped out by a freak jellyfish attack, the owners said Wednesday.
More than 100,000 fish worth more than one million pounds (2.1 million dollars, 1.4 million euros) were killed in the invasion at Glenarm Bay and Red Bay, on the County Antrim north-east coast
"In 30 years, I've never seen anything like it. It was unprecedented, absolutely amazing. The sea was red with these jellyfish and there was nothing we could do about it, absolutely nothing.
"I have never experienced such concentrations of jellyfish spread over such a wide area. The vastness was unbelievable."
The seven-hour attack over Tuesday and Wednesday last week saw the jellyfish covering a sea area of up to 10 square miles (26 square kilometres) and 35 feet (11 metres) deep.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
So here's the post. It's for a low overhead business, for all you wannabe entrepreneurs.
It's a cart, you set up on the street in a populated location for lunch/business/sporting events. At the cart, you sell corn-on-the-cob, on a stick. Positioned next to the cart are two strippers, who slowly, and sensually, eat your corn-on-the-cob, dripping with butter. Then when you've captured the imagination of the stupid male office drones, or amped-up sportsfans, to purchase your ridiculously overpriced product in order to stand next to your scantily clad (and did I mention sensual) saleswomen, you spring the "I see you like the women, perhaps you'd appreciate the cart's other offerings?" At which time you drop down a hidden covering of the cart, which reveals your collection of for-sale porn!
I call it "The Cart of Corn and Porn" and while I'm not yet willing to risk my personal capital on the venture, I'm almost positive it would be profitable. Providing the strippers (or actresses in the magazines/DVD's you were selling) would work for free corn.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A stroll down memory lane

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Did something happen...????
Monday, November 26, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
All I know is
For some background on this vid, check out Dark Roasted Blend where I sniped it from!
Friday, November 16, 2007
the munny quote is something like this...
"Built deep inside a mountain, it aims to safeguard the world's crops from future disasters, such as nuclear wars, asteroids or dangerous climate change."
I think "asteroids" could easily encompass "COMETS" as well, and no matter which struck our fair planet, we'd probably be looking at some serious "dangerous climate change" as well.
Anyhoo, it's possible that our scientists have a way of tracking the course and trajectory of THE LARGEST OBJECT IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM (you really should read the next post down if you still don't know what I'm talking about) and figure out a way to blow it into atoms with nuclear missiles or something clever like that. But maybe I'm just placing too much faith in "science" and "nuclear missiles" and maybe, just maybe, there's gonna be a big smash that'll rock this planet to the bone, and we're gonna need seeds two years down the line when everything on the planet is dead!
Of course, they could just be worried about geology.
(since I don't know much about the American Chronicle and how long the link'll stay active I'll post some juicy tidbits)
The last major eruption at Yellowstone was 640,000 years ago, which created a caldera some 40 miles in width, but these have happened on a fairly regular basis over the last two million years, and it could be said that the next is overdue...
Robert Smith, a geophysics professor at the University of Utah who co-authored the recent study agreed “Calderas go up and down” but “occasionally they burp”.
A large “burp”, as Robert Smith puts it, could produce catastrophic effects for the world population and a similar eruption of the Supervolcano in Toba (Indonesia) 75,000 years ago is believed to have wiped out 60% of the human population. On that occasion the Toba Supervolcano ejected almost three times as much material as the Yellowstone eruption did 640,000 years ago. However, the Yellowstone caldera can do much worse and this occurred 2.2 million years ago.
Clearly I'm stoked that Robert Smith is also an expert on calderas, but I don't feel like I'm getting really exact information at this stage of the game. At least not in the way the Robert Smith once nailed exactly the information my heart was sending my brain many years ago.
Well anyway, Happy Friday!
P.S. I'm sure we're gonna be fine!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Deet...deet deet...deet deet...Fjordnews...deet deet...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What's brown and sticky?
A stick!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Captain Benjamin Homberbun sat in his command chair in the middle of the control module in a raised swivel chair, and he watched the rocket-sled's progress from a variety of screens tied to radars, GPS, and tactical relays from the unified battlefield system, through which the location of every unit of the Polar Defense Force could be plotted and moved for overwhelming battlefield advantage. At this moment however, Captain Homberbun stopped watching the unified battlefield system as two more icons representing other rocket-sleds vanished.
"This could only mean one thing," he knew, "That those rocket sleds had been utterly destroyed."
It should be noted that "rocket-sled" is a slight misnomer since it was really a titanic arctic fighting vehicle. It had twin hulls, like a catamaran, which were 400 feet long, and armored. Stretching between them was a huge platform 200 feet wide, where cannon turrets, racks of rockets, anti-missile and close in defense Gatling guns, missile launchers, (ground-to-air, ground-to-ground, and anti-ship) chemical lasers, microwave and sonic anti-personnel weapons were mounted, along with their targeting systems, radar, and communications arrays. Beneath that hung the armored and pressurized control module. Behind that was a larger module that held the rocket-sled's 500 Marine contingent, and their three attack hovercraft.
Captain Homberbun switched his gaze to the armored glass windscreen which revealed at the rocket-sled's speed, only white which they raced over, that encompassed everything towards the horizon, until it took on a noticeable curve. He placed his hands in front of him in a pyramid, and tapped them against his lips as he stared. The Radioman Brice interrupted with a quiet voice but laden with passion.
"Sir, The Glorious and Excelsior have been destroyed! The airstrike reports no negligible damage."
"What about the subs?" Homberbun asked.
"The Neptune has been out of contact for 42 minutes, and the Tompkins reports their targeting systems can't get a lock."
Homberbun looked again at the unified battlefield display, he saw a small blue dot with an icon of 132 next to it, move closer to the target (a large red dot).
"Ops." He said in a calm voice, "Identify 132."
His man at Operations Control, Jenkin's, sat to his right manning a number of screens and information systems, replied,
"132, attack hovercraft 3 of the Glorious."
"Switch to Ops screen of 132." Homberbun commanded. And it was done. Any eyes that could be spared from the control module watched the live video stream being broadcast from the Attack Hovercraft 132 onto two of the vid screens above them.
"I don't like it any more than you do..." Homberbun spoke, "but if it's taken out the Glorious and Excelsior, and the Neptune, I don't like the idea of what it's going to do to an attack hovercraft." Heads on the bridge echoed their agreement with his logical statement. And watched what unfolded before them on the screen. Which was something like this.
Attack Hovercraft 132 sped across the ice with some bouncing, and every time it hit a large chunk of ice or a massive dip, the screen shifted for an instant to static, but it came back every time. Then , over the horizon, a huge shape emerged. It was difficult to make out, since it was white, and the ice in front of the hovercraft was white as well. However, it became apparent after a few moments, that the head, which resembled a white fanged gorilla, was attached to a likewise white torso of a gigantic body. From their vantage point, watching the attack hovercraft 132's live feed, the crew of the rocket-sled saw the contrails of the hovercraft's missiles race away from the craft and streak across the sky towards the huge towering beast. At that moment, the twenty mounted 40mm rapid fire cannon on the hovercraft opened up. Tracers flew across the sky, marking every third round, and the tracers looked like lasers.
Then the missiles struck! Explosions blew flames and smoke from the torso of their target. It replied by raising it's left arm, a huge hand pointed at the camera, then it's white clawed fingers retracted as if on hinges, and from each, a missile fired. They raced straight towards the camera!
"Employ countermeasures!" Shouted Smith, the rocket-sled's pilot, at the screen.
"Bail out!" Yelled the radio operator from the back.
"Shit." Said Homberbun, quietly.
The tracers from the 40mm guns on the hovercraft changed targets, to try and knock down the missiles. Homberbun was the only on to notice at this time that where was just smoke and flame where the hovercraft missiles struck revealed metal and short-circuiting electronics. Then he watched what they all watched on the bridge of the rocket-sled. The 40mm guns firing like mad at the incoming fire. They nailed three before the remaining missile came in and blew the video feed into static.
"Place the unified battlefield system back on the monitors." Homberbun commanded, then asked, "How long until we reach the target?"
Jenkins hesitated for a moment, then replied,
"Four minutes sir."
He thought for a few split seconds, then made a command.
"Deploy Marines."
Smitty the weapons officer knew what Homberbun was asking and had enough balls to question the order.
"At this speed, they won't make the combat area for another 20 minutes! We'll need their swarming attack to at least distract this thing!"
"I know, said Homberbun, "But this thing destroyed two rocket-sleds with no negligible damage. I'm not leaving an armored contingent of 500 men to be destroyed in the hold of my ship! At least we saw that 132 did some damage, did we not! Deploy."
There were a number of beepings, and warning klaxons, and messages from the radio operator speaking quiet directions. Finally Jenkins finished the deal by speaking,
"Marines away."
Homberbun felt better. He knew the Marines would do what they could, and it went against all the handbook's rules by deploying them well before they could engage in the combat that was about to ocurr, but the idea of them being on his ship useless and being slaughtered before they could do anything they were capable of doing, made him sick.
Smitty, the Weapons Officer called him away from his feelings,
"Laser batteries one, two, three and four, ready Sir."
He snapped back,
"Batteries two and four ready, One and three report electrical malfunctions!" Smitty replied.
"Fire missiles!"
Unseen by the crew of the rocket-sled, four massive polaris-sized missiles shot straight up, into the sky into a parabolic curve that outraced their speed by many times the speed of sound.
"Missiles away." Said Smitty professionally.
Captain Homberbun put his hands back in a pyramid and tapped his fingers against his lips. He watched his missiles shoot across the unified battlefield system, and saw his rocket-sled leave the Marine hovercraft behind him, and wondered when he would have the beast's head over the horizon in order to fire the powerful chem-lasers that could lance through anything within the horizon. Then, for no reason, he had a strange memory.
It was back when he was in the surface Navy, running a guided missile cruiser, and he thought he'd enjoy some time meandering in Hong Kong. And meander he did. In fact, he didn't remember the place, but there was a moment when he leaned up against a bar somewhere, and ordered a drink. He had no more than two sips before a huge hunchback moved into the space next to him. This didn't bother him too much, but it was when the hunchback turned to him and asked something like,
"You look like a guy who's in need of a good time!"
In truth, he was. But that didn't change the fact that he knew the kind of good time he wanted was not going to be provided by a 8 foot hunchback. In fact, an 8 foot hunchback was the kind of being that was pushing away the kind of good time he was looking for. But pinned into the situation by intoxication and the fact that the only person who spoke English in the whole joint was this stupid hunchback, and no girl had rubbed herself against his Captain's uniform since he walked into the joint for the eight minutes he'd been there, he had to come back with an answer.
"Nothing personal, friend" Homberbun replied "But, I'm sceptical that you might provide the answer towards my good time."
"Hah!" The hunchback said, "This place ain't going to provide it, I assure you of that. However, I know of a place I'm sure you'll be swept away by."
"I doubt it." He replied.
"What's your name Captain?" The hunchback asked knowingly. The Captain couldn't stop it from slipping out of his mouth.
"Finish that, Captain, and we'll go straight away!"
Captain Homberbun indeed finished his drink, and went with the hunchback, following him down strange alleys and unsavory corridors, all the while wondering why he was doing such a thing, and trying to reassure himself that he was trained in personal combat and had very little to steal. However, he found himself completely disoriented looking for danger from every shadowy door that he didn't notice where he was.
He found himself stopped at an elevator bank which opened with a uniformed elevator operator, who asked,
"What floor sir?"
And the hunchback replied,
The operator made the motions to move the elevator, and the hunchback looked at him.
"I understand your trepidations, but I assure you, this will be exactly what you're looking for."
They rode up the next six seconds in total silence, then the doors opened to blasting house music, and a full-on raging party with all manner of debauchery happening. The huge hunchback put his huge arm around the Captain, and led him out of the elevator into the fray.
"There's one guy you've got to meet, then I've got some stuff to do!" He yelled into his ear, and even then it was barely understandable. The Hunchback led, or basically pushed him through the crowd, towards a staircase, up it, and into a reasonably quiet room.
Inside, there were a number of huge black leather chairs scattered pretty far from a large black lacquered table, and in one of those chairs was a man, not exactly surrounded by four women of various nationalities, and in various alluring costumes, but they were what might be called, "close." The man looked up as Homberbun and the hunchback entered. The hunchback spoke a few quick words.
"This is Captain Homberbun, I thought you'd might like to talk for a minute."
"Thanks Wednesday!" The man said in a strangely familiar baritone. Then the hunchback disappeared.
"So look." The man in the chair began. "I know you want to enjoy yourself at my party, and I would never delay you that endeavor."
"Thanks!" Said Homberbun, not really sure how to approach this social interaction so he feigned excitement.
"I have only one piece of advice for you, and you can clearly take it, or leave it."
Homberbun really didn't know how to respond to this. So he stood their in his Captain's uniform uncomfortably as a woman in an insanely tight fitting peacock dress got up from her chair, spread feathers out into a humongous fan behind her and proceeded to nibble on this man's ear.
"If you're ever in the spot, where you have to fight a giant Yetti Deathbot," The man said, beginning to get distracted by the peacock clad woman's tongue. "Make sure you remember that they put the control servers in the left knee."
"Thanks, I umm, I, really don't know..." Said Homberbun uncomfortably, and by the time that had escaped his lips, the man had given into the woman's actions, and instead of finishing his question, he turned, walked out, and had such a wonderful time it would haunt his memory of Hong Kong until his death.
His memory was interrupted by Smitty who shouted out,
"Missiles impact 5 seconds!"
He looked up, and realized the video feeds on his screens were in real time. A white head had appeared over the horizon, and contrails from the missiles had converged upon it. Then they exploded! Huge clouds of fire and smoke blasted from it, revealing a gargantuan skull of humongous proportions. It shot lasers from it's eyes!
"Hard left!" Homberbun commanded. The beams missed by a fraction of a meter, and dug though the ice cap, boiling the water beneath in a massive jet 500 feet high, that instantly froze behind the racing rocket sled.
"Smitty!" Captain Homberbun shouted, "Time till the left knee will be within range of direct weapons?!"
"48 Seconds! But what's that got to do with..."
"Target left knee with all batteries! Status of missile batteries one and three?!" Smitty answered,
"Ready to fire!"
"Change targeting of one and three to the left knee! Helm, adopt any evasive maneuvers you might think of. Radio, transmit to Marines, attack nothing but left knee! Weapons! Fire when ready!"
Homberbun leaned back in his chair with a sense of satisfaction. He knew he was doomed, but he had done everything he could. The rocket-sled moved in a series of jerks, missiles and lasers sped past them, or were destroyed by close-in and anti-rocket defenses. Then the full size of the giant robo-yetti deathbot came over the white icy horizon, and it was huge! Four times the size of the Empire State building, and eight times as wide...then Smitty shouted
"Missiles away!" Then the beast got larger and closer.
Another blast of it's laser eyes shot towards them, along with rockets and sonic weapons. His helmsman had performed a series of maneuvers that evaded all but four of the attacks, but the close in defenses destroyed the missiles that had remained. Finally, the icy white revealed the robo-yetti-deathbot's left knee. The rocket-sled unleashed it's full power, just as the overarching missiles slammed into the knee. The robo-yetti-deathbot stumbled, shot out another beam of death from it's eyes, then fell to the ice, and lay immobile, dead.
"Captain! Shouted Smitty, over the cheers of the bridge of the rocket-sled, "Thank you Sir! That was brilliant!"
"Don't thank me," Homberbun replied, "Thank Friday. He really came through this time."
Happy Friday.
Monday, November 05, 2007
So tonite, being Monday...
Sunday, November 04, 2007
It's time for...
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
What to doooo...?
Even Minor League Media Demons occasionaly are stumped, wondering what the next step will be. (Imagine a cat trying to cross a shallow stream, placing a paw here and there, but trying not to get it wet, even tho it needs to cross the shallow stream.)
At the moment, I'm considering why I'm totally over my favorite media format...which is interesting since one of my favorite quotes of all times is, "There is no art without the resistance of the medium." (Followed closely by "Beware of surprise!")
I'm worried that I'm starting to appreciate content more than the effort to create it, and I'm worried that I don't give a rats ass about any content whatsoever unless it's amazingly awesome. But, I still plough through at least 50 blog-posts of semi-interesting, yet meaningless content every day hoping for something impactful for my life, or at least conversation (and BTW the line "I saw this on the internet the other day..." is not an effective conversation tool, unless you have others, I'm just sayin'.)
And I'm also worried that while I was waiting to cross the street today the idea popped into my head that told me,
"Either you're thinking about writing, or you're writing"
Right now, I'm just thinking about it, at video, and audio, and all sorts of other ways that a webzine could be more interesting. If I come up with anything I'll letcha know. I promise.
Happy Friday.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Normal Life
So I asked my friend one day, "Why do you like Steve?" (names have been changed to protect the innocent)
And he said, "Because he's the only truly normal person I know. I have to have some sort of baseline."
Earlier today, I had a conversation which brought up the concept of living a normal life, and on both sides there were some statements about how we had failed to transcend (at the moment) such a fate. But, I do feel (after a certain amount of wondering, and pondering, which brought up my previous remembrance) there is a baseline that is normal, and if you're reading this, you're nowhere near that baseline. If things in your world appear to have reached a plateau where you're tired of your life being normal, please remember, you're normal life would blow the fuck out of some "normal humanid's" perception of normal so far out of the water, that it would easily be called amazing.
Don't kid yerself. It would.
Now: some photos of a nice lookin' woman.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Drunk Elephants...
since it's yahoo, I'll post the juicy bits incase the story dissapears...
Shillong, Oct 23 (IANS) Six Asiatic wild elephants, including three calves, have died of electrocution after the herd, drunk on country liquor, dashed against a high-tension electric pole and came in contact with a live wire in a Meghalaya village...
During the past few months, herds of wild elephants have been wreaking havoc in several parts of Meghalaya and adjoining state of Assam, especially in villages where tribal people brew rice beer in large quantities,' noted elephant expert Kushal Konwar Sharma said...
'There have been several incidents of elephants drinking country liquor and then going berserk, at times plundering granaries and tearing apart huts, besides inflicting fatal attacks on human beings,' he added...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Beware of Surprise!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So there's more yummy talk of
I pass on the link to a reasonably non-Fjord related topic because of this line.
I used to watch Batman when I was a kid, and these piker bad guys would all be threatening to destroy Gotham. A mere city. And we in the audience were supposed to understand that this was bad because that means a lot of people dying. Now, our nation is ruled by people who like to threaten to destroy entire countries, just for kicks. Whole countries.
No shit.
I think that dialed it in quite nicely.
Couple of things
Apart from that, it's also hot as fjuck, and at least 85-90 degreez right now (at near 6:10) which must have made it awful for firefighters, but pretty dang miserable for anyone who had to breathe the smoke flavored air to live...I hear there's not much that's going to change in the weather, and, well, there's like 18 separate fires being fought right now, and the Governator has called up 1800 National Guardsmen to help. (Sorry boys, but 1800 guardsmen ain't gonna do nothin' against this inferno (didn't I mention THE SKY IS ON FIRE!!!), 18,000 - maybe. I'm reasonably happy the rest of our boys is keepin me safe from terrorists in the Iraqi-lands, cuz, I been worried about that for 5 years.)
Anyhoo - there's about 20 miles of city that has to burn before it gets to your favorite virtual resort, so I think we'll ride this one out just fine. Oh, and flights are still on schedule at LAX, so it might be a great time to take that fall vacation!
Friday, October 19, 2007
"I walked past a supermarket today." Friday spoke. He was standing in a toga, and held a very large goblet of wine in his left hand, that he sloshed around as he began his tale. The other weekdays were scattered about in various stages of repose on what appeared to be a Grecian hillside. They also wore togas. "The double automatic doors for some reason remained open for longer than normal, and that's when I saw the wasp (or hornet, yellowjacket, or whatever flying insect it was) which was inquisitive about the cool air, or perhaps the smells of the groceries held within the store, and it flew in about a foot, then back to the threshold, then back in, then back out."
"Wasps built a nest in the wheel well of my car once," Tuesday said, "It was a very unpleasant scene whenever I needed to go somewhere."
"Quiet you!" Said Thursday, "There's more...I'm sure."
Friday took a moment to finish a large gulp from the goblet, and continued. "Indeed there is, for as I walked on, I didn't see the conclusion of the drama that was playing out before me. Would the wasp be on the inside when the doors closed? Since if this happened, it the chances of it ever seeing the outside again would be very very small. But if it were shut out of the place, would it linger about, still trying to investigate the contents of the store?"
"A common enough quandary." Monday said, "Will your curiosity lead you into a realm of satisfaction and fulfillment, or will it trap you in a prison which will become your tomb!"
"Exactly." Friday said with authority, then he had another drink. "But this example of literally the luck of this poor bug, versus the chance function or malfunction of an automatic door which would determine his fate, made me think of another comparison."
"How much longer..." Wednesday said, propping his hunchback up against a large stone, "is this lecture going to last?"
"Not much..." replied Friday, "We're almost out of wine." And immediately after speaking those words he emptied the rest of his goblet, and walked over to a wineskin, and drained the rest of it into the vessel. "You see I was wondering about finding meaning. And I thought to myself, it's fine if you want to find meaning in things. Hell you can superimpose it on almost everything - a rabbits foot? Why not. Photographs, sure. In accomplishments one might have made - of course. However, trying to find meaning in everything, the unifying force of meaning between and in all things...well, that's different."
Tuesday spoke softly. "How is that different, exactly?"
"Well, if one might devote themselves to such a thing, is there any point in living in the material world? The experiences here are not transcendental. They may be life changing, or they might be boring as hell, and they might be repetitive to the point of madness, but they are real." He paused for a moment, had another sip of wine, and looked off to the hilltops above them where the sunset had made them a jagged black edge across a deep violet sky. "To search for meaning in everything is to find it nowhere, and to find meaning in one small thing, is to find it everywhere."
Friday sat down and drank the rest of his wine to the various grumbles of discontented weekdays. Finally Monday spoke up, louder than the rest.
"Hey, whatever...let's hit up the Parthenon, restock the wine, and race hovercraft!"
Happy Friday.
[just wanted to say I wanted to start with the line "if the week was a scorpion then Friday would be its stinging tail." And somehow get to the line "To search for meaning in everything is to find it nowhere, and to find meaning in one small thing, is to find it everywhere" Not sure how it played out, but it got there.
P.S., totally saw that wasp thing tho, it was kinda spooky once I thought about it. Kinda hope he got out ok, but that's not really our world, is it.]
Once again...this time with feeling!
"It is sad," observed Grassfog, "that our friend here is dead, and we
have no wine."
"It is your custom," inquired Piro, "to become drunk when a friend
"Not in the least," said Grassfog. "I was merely making an observation
about two conditions that are both true, and both regrettable."
Monday, October 15, 2007
How you doin?
There may be more, but yaknow, there might not. Either way, I'm positive you'll be fine.
And with that completely ambiguous's some pop to make yas feel nice.
I wanted to find this, but the video was kinda crappy.
But instead I stumbled on this and decided it was too cool to not post.
Man, I'd hate to think that Garden State might have sullied the rep of that Frou Frou record, cause' it's pretty damn bueno. Ohh, and then there's this! A really solid record, if you might like that kinda' thing.
I guess there's not much left to do from there, but to go here.
And from there, the only logical segway leads us right here.
Happy Monday
P.S. - I updated this post, just cause it really turned out to be cooler this way.