Oh holy mother of all things that are great, this is HUGE!!!!
In fact, so huge you may wish to grab ahold of your socks, because if you haven't heard, this will surely knock them off your fjeets and across the room!
"Astonishing Tsunami!" You say, "But what are you even talking about?"
Well dear reader, the crack scijence team here at Fjord has found this amazing fact. NO LONGER IS THE SUN THE LARGEST OBJECT IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM!!!!
Yea, the largest celestial body in our solar system is now this exploding comet! 17P/Holmes (or just Holmes to people familiar with the deets) is now even bigger than our own dear Sol, to which we owe so much! (photosynthesis, evaporation, day, hurricanes, skin cancer)
As a fully credentialed correspondent for the West Coast Branch of Fjord, I'd have to say, wait a few weeks and months before you shift your solar system allegiance! I for one, still have faith in our ever-present sun. Just because this interloper happens to be bigger than our own star, does not mean it's badder!
By this, I mean seriously, who's been there day in and day out? What's been there throughout your waking life and only occasionally obscured by clouds or the moon? Even then, you knew it was there, didn't you? Who's even seen this "Comet Holmes?" I sure haven't, but I'm gonna start looking! There might be a radar shadow, and behind it, might be a U.F.O., and we all know what happened the last time that happened!
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