Monday, December 12, 2005

So I was wondering...

Are we the last generation that will ever know the feeling of freedom from the Webmonster?

With P.D.A's to access the beast, and PSP's and other wi-fi devices, becoming more and more common, it's not like anyone's even tethered to a DSL/cable line at the house. If you want to use your imagination on a word like "net," well, we're starting to live in one. I'd always been fascinated with the way radio and television signals could travel through matter, (walls, cars, space, bodies, ice-houses) then there were cell-phones, ATM machines (yeah, don't kid yourself, when the Telstar Satellite got blown up by a massive solar flare, it took down a huge network of ATM's - not to mention a large chunk of gas-pumps - which were busy transmitting something thru your clavicle...(and no, I'm not smart/informed enough to tell you what))

Anyways, I'm one of those gray-beards that recalls a time before personal computers , and now the power of the global database is accessible by hand-sized devices. It's like Dick Tracy's wrist-radio, only with an up-link to the entire database of knowledge humanity has been able to create. While I'm more than happy (hell-addicted is more like the word) to surrounding myself with every kind of media, I'm just wondering, is it a trap that'll be hard to get out of, once it's really everywhere? (and if it is, and you're not reading Fjord, I'm going to find out...)

Will we ever be able to get free of knowledge, information, news, entertainment, backstory? And if not, what is that really going to change?

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