Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday Stood Upon a Hill of Red Fingernails

Long ones, like the kind you'd see in on the hands of...hand models. The hill rested upon a plain, made of black obsidian, that reached out far into the twilight. From the top of the hill, one could see two silver rails that ran straight across it. He reached into his jacket, and pulled out a pair of hi-powered binoculars. He watched the magnified image of a huge steam engine pulling a line of cars. The rails, appeared to be razor-thin, and where the engine sat, it crushed them down to puddles of molten silver. In front of the train, a small wave moved in the rails, about ten feet in front of the train's a big ship cutting thru water.

"Well," Said Tuesday, "that confirms it, one comes every hour, on the hour."
"Unless they slow down the schedule after rush hour." Monday said flippantly, looking at the last rays of the setting sun. "Which, they might..."
"Nevertheless," Friday spoke, taking the glasses away from his eyes, "It seems to be a well used line. Let's get a move on."
He trudged down the hill, small red fingernails giving way in little avalanches. The other's followed after.
"Hey, where do you think these fingernails came from?" Asked Wednesday. After a long pause, Tuesday answered. "fingers."

It wasn't long before they were walking across the obsidian plain in the dark. The moon came up, and stars appeared. Each casting a reflection on the glassy-stone. Monday kicked a small pebble of the stuff, which skittered across it, making nearly the sound of a rock on ice. "So Friday, just let me get this straight. While we were busy working this week, you were seducing the Voodoo Queen, and then what exactly happened?

Friday sighed as he walked...he'd glossed over the story earlier, and didn't really want to explain it, but there was nothing else to do. "While she was getting her hair done, I went over to the hydroplane race. As I was watching those bad-boys on the water, I looked over the crowd, and spotted Mrs. Trixie."
"The wife of Coyote?"
"The very same."
"I had a thing for her once." Wednesday spoke into the night. Most of the other weekdays shuddered at any thought of the hunchback having any sort of sexual "thing" for anyone.

"Well," Me and Trixie go way back," Continued Friday, and somehow, we got to talking, and drinking, and what-have-you, and the next thing I know, the Voodoo Queen's right there, and thinking I'm doing something...improper. Of course, Mrs. Trixie plays the whole thing up, cause, she's Mrs. Trixie. So anyways, the Voodoo Queen gets all pissed, and she was mumbling some of her jumbo, and here we are."
"Fuck." Says Tuesday.
"Sometimes things don't really work out so good." Finishes Friday.

Up till now, Thursday's been pretty tight-lipped, but he breaks it, and says,
"What's that?"
The others look over into the night, and spot a bonfire, casting shadows around a number of thatched huts. Then the sound of a forlorn train whistle echoes across the obsidian plain.
"Eight o'clock" Wednesday reads from his digital watch, it's face illuminated with a small push-light. Then a HUGE blinding light blasts into their night-eyes. A massive sign lights up in neon. One letter after another. P-O-L-Y-N-E-S-I-A-N (then it goes dark, and more letters follow) P-A-R-A-D-I-S-E. Those letters go dark, and both light up together, POLYNESIAN PARADISE. Then suddenly, a huge tower behind the sign, and behind the thatched huts lights up.

"I believe I've read about this." Says Tuesday, "It was something about a native tribe called the Obsidian a gaming license I heard.
"Whatever." Concluded Thursday.
"Yeah," Friday said, "Let's Go!"

They covered the distance in a small time, and walked past the thatched huts, which were actually well crafted parking structures. The bonfire was a huge affair, fed with some kind of gas jet, and about a city-block in size. It gave off a bit of heat. The five weekdays made it to the entrance, and the doors were pulled open by two handsome men in loincloths. Standing there was a proud looking fellow, about fifty, in a kickass head-dress, and somehow making it all work with a fine Italian suit.
"Friday, and his most esteemed colleagues, it is my pleasure to welcome you, the first guests to arrive, at the Polynesian Paradise. Try your luck at roulette, craps, blackjack, and the loosest slots on the Obsidian Plain!" He bowed, and waved his hand in gesture to a huge, and empty modern casino. Friday looked over to Thursday,
"Man, led me some money."
Thursday pulled out his wallet, and produced a thousand dollars.
"I know how you get when you're gambling Friday. Don't come back for more. Besides, we still gotta' get back."
"Back?" Asked Friday, "Back to where? This is where the party is. Where we're at!" He laughed, and ran like mad for the craps table.

Happy Friday

P.S. We're all lucky tonight.

1 comment:

D.T. said...

Thanx W.M.!

We'll see ya in a few!