Thursday, December 08, 2005


Things have been a little quiet lately, and while I know that the International Community of Devoted Fjordlings is doing their part...I need you all to do more. (just a little, itty-bitty bit 25 seconds more...)

If you'll notice at the bottom of each post is a little envelope icon, with an arrow. This icon allows you to instantly e-mail anyone of your choosing that particular post. Do us, over at the West Coast Branch, a favor, and send one of your favorite Fjord textuals to three of your like-minded pals. (or if you want, just copy and paste a link of our URL, or...if you've got a blog yerself hyperlink us in - that'd be cool)

That's it. That's all you gotta do. Just, yaknow for yer 'ole pal Tsunami.

In return, I'll do an un-assisted handstand. Here I go! HUP!
OOoop! Stuff's fallin out of my pockets! Shoulda' thought of this before I got up all upside-vertical, There go the...Keys - check. Lighter - check. Loose change - check. Wallet - check. Hey - don't run off with that - it's got my bus pass! Fuck you! I'm now chasing you down the street on my hands! I'm catching up - I move pretty fast on my hands! When I catch you I'm going to strangle you with my calves!

I'm just sayin' - three measly people...
and don't ever, ever, take my wallet.


Anonymous said...

Quit giving dem the business!

And why isn't the phrase "balls deep" used more in christmas banter? A shame actually.

D.T. said...

Toast...I'm wondering who you sent some Fjordian masterworks to...

D.T. said...

Oh, and I like givin' dem the business! Dey got it comin'!