Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So yeah...

NYC was a week ago, and there's been quite a lot happening, apart from the fact that I got pretty much the cold from hell, and really lost a bit of focus. Still, I'm now looking at only 2 more laundry loads to finish, a couple a bills to pay, and some vitamins to take, a few hundreds of phone messages to listen too, and I might be close to getting back on track!

Since it seriously might take a while to actually find that track, I've culled a few web-based resources to find some interesting tales that are out on the interweb. I hope you enjoy.

1) Here's one about ancient man-beast lovin'!
2) For you Simpsons fans, here's a great lexicon of made up words from the show. Very should read the whole thing.
3) And finally - Boy George - yeah, that Boy George, was caught with a lot of cocaine in his apartment. I'm not happy about it, I'm just sort of amused that his lawyer tried the "It's not his, and he doesn't know how it got there, officer," defense.

And now, I remove myself from the compooter here at Casa Aloha, and will attempt to grab the rest of Hunchback-day by the tail, and try and accomplish something.

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