It might seem a bit shallow that I noticed the passing of 4/4 wid-out a mention. However, back in January of '08 I did pen this little diddy.
Anyhoo, I was scanning thru some second-tier blogs I try and frequent and found this little video I'm about to post up. There's something cool about it, because it says what needs to be said in a way that's constructive. It's all bad, no doubt - so you can feel free to skip it if you came here for some tjypical Fjordian content...there is a new Friday post up, that I think is pretty fun, but whateva', I'm past that today, and starting from Gjods clean slate. It's short, but purtty dang good. Oh yeah, it's also mothafjuckin' 40 years old.
Bee cjool to one's about character.
That dude was also killed by a white man. Looking at this vid for the second time, I don't wanna leave ya with that, I'd rather leave ya with this...just a stupid speach by Bono accepting the NAACP's Chairman's award. You're probly one of the many who wrote that dude off in the 90's (like I did, then later, I did change my mind) but it's a pretty dang good thing to hear.
(P.S His first 30 seconds are drivel, no doubt. The venue is retarded, no doubt, but his words are pretty much no joke, and it get's pretty killa')
Anyhoo, I dig that this (small) post is purtty back-n-white. But that changes in no way, the retardo injustices which have been perpetrated on members of every nationality and race and ethnicity, and religion across our fair planet since we've been recording history in written words and organizing into civilizations which compete civilizations compete violently for.
There is one struggle that we are all well aware of, that's to love or to hate. Hate requires no understanding, and no higher-level's simply a movement (or emotion, or reaction, or what the fjuck ever) of subjugation, or destruction. It's easy and rewarding...and it easily rewards those who embrace it.
Love is usually the is not easy. And the rewards for embracing it, cannot be measured in teevee time, fancy cars, a long life, and massive bank accounts. It's about connecting with people and reaching a common understanding. All sorts of fjucking people, all across the globe that you never thought or believed, you could ever find a single connection with, you could. You have it, (the connection) you are human. It's just motherfjuckin' hard work to filter thru the chaff to find it.
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